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    Yes, this forum wasn’t here before.

    This forum is a home for snippets, modules, plugins and other resources that are not yet in the Repository.
    They may be unfinished and/or they may work perfectly.

    This is a middle-ground between the programmer-to-programmer Module, Plugin & Snippet Creation and Modification forum and the programmer-to-user-to-user Repository Items Support forums (and, until we migrate everything, Module, Plugin & Snippet Usage).

    If you are posting resources
    You are not obliged to use this forum at all. If you have confidence in your snippet/whatever, you can add it to the Repository yourself.

    Some reasons why you might post here rather than directly to the Repository:
    • it is still a work-in-progress / beta and you want feedback
    • you haven’t (yet) documented everything but you want to share it
    • you are not completely certain if anyone ele would find it useful
    • you have abandoned the project (state this, so that someone else can pick it up)

    • post snippets as attachments or as code in the top post
    • start the title with snippet or module or plugin as appropriate; include the version number in the title if you wish.
    • if you bring out a new release, edit your top post to either include it or to state that there is a new release further down the thread; you can also edit the title
    • if you post it into the Repo, you should edit the top post to state this (which will help your Repo download count).

    If you are downloading and using resources
    All MODx usage is at your own risk, here even more so.

    • Install snippets etc on a test server to establish for yourself whether they are suitable for use on a live site.
    • Take time to read the entire thread (aka topic) so that you are aware of any issues.
    • Post within the thread. Do NOT start a new thread.
    • Feedback is much more important here than in the Repo Support. If it works for you, say so. If it doesn’t, say so. If you think it could be improved, say so. If you think it’s ready to be added to the Repository, say so.

    If you think your resource is sufficiently developed and don’t think it should be here...
    Add it to the Repository and pm me or another moderator. Items that are not in the Repository were considered "pre-release" for the purposes of forum organisation; we mean no offence if your fantastic finished snippet has been moved here.

    If you have suggestions for guidelines, you may reply.
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      Perhaps would it be a better approch to limit the development forum ability to post to user which have a good level (number of post ?). There are many basic (and helpless for all) questions and somes coming to MODx for the first time trying to use a development resource as they was finished and the threads becomes unreadable.

      A developer (and I’m not a good one ) need good remarks and report to make its project better.

      Just a remark I found anoying all the fisheyes results in the modx’s google search making somes infos difficults to find, a search per domain could be better.

      a MODx addict !
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        • 12556
        • 103 Posts

        Perhaps would it be a better approch to limit the development forum ability to post to user which have a good level (number of post ?). There are many basic (and helpless for all) questions and somes coming to MODx for the first time trying to use a development resource as they was finished and the threads becomes unreadable.

        A developer (and I’m not a good one ) need good remarks and report to make its project better.

        Just a remark I found anoying all the fisheyes results in the modx’s google search making somes infos difficults to find, a search per domain could be better.
