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    • 18436
    • 135 Posts
    Here’s the situation: I want to enable user registration but don’t want "web users" to access the manager interface

    Scenario 01:
    User A registers, two months later his e-mail address changes, how does he change this from the frontend since I don’t want web users to access the manager interface.

    Scenario 02:
    User A registers, he doesn’t visit the site for two months and has deleted his registration email. He wants to login but has forgotten his password, no problem, click on forget password, enter e-mail address and bam, his password is reset to some bizarre string. He successfully logs in but wants to change his password to something more human, how? if he has no access the manager interface.

    Could anyone please give me an idea how to either write a snippet or straight code to enable front-end profile management. In theory I understand the principle: Check user is logged in, get userid, query database and generate form with values (as in manager), update database with error checked values, voila, but I have no grapes to make the wine.

    Pahlease lend a hand.
      • 19726
      • 239 Posts
      I got no clue on how to change the e-mail address. I guess the user should just reregister.

      Changing the password is easy with the WebChangePwd snippet that comes with MODx.
      • There is no web user profile editor yet, but I’m sure it’s been hanging around in the back of quite a few heads for a while, and one will come popping out one of these days!
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          • 18436
          • 135 Posts
          Thanks for the responses, I’d actually forgotten about the password changing snippet, gonna have a look at that tonight.