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    • 15871
    • 105 Posts
    I am hosting at NetSol (BTW - DON’T ever do this - this was a client decision not mine) - their service and support sucks) - so I can not implement the fix detailed here (http://svn.modxcms.com/docs/display/MODx096/Friendly+URL+Solutions) in the htaccess file without causing a 500 error.

    I can put a php.ini file in the CGI bin, which I did with
    register_globals = Off

    set in it.

    While this turns off the Configuration error, I keep getting logged out of the Manager when ever I try to load up a new page.

    Any ideas?
      • 15871
      • 105 Posts
      OK so I think I got this figured out. I added the following to the php.ini file:

      register_globals = Off
      session.save_path = /path/to/my/temp/folder
      session.gc_maxlifetime = 28800

      The path to my temp folder was set from copying the File Manager path in the Configurations (NetSol has a VERY deep directory structure). So this seems to have fixed it. My only question is that will the sessions delete themselves? IS that what the "maxlifetime" directive does? OR will I need to clean this directory out from time to time (I’d rather NOT have to do this).
