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    • 2297
    • 31 Posts
    Okay, maybe it’s just me, but I can see this happening all too easily with some users:

    User decides to edit a page in QuickManager, so he clicks on "Edit Resource." He gets curious when he sees the option of Editor to use, so he changes it from "TinyMCE" to "None." Then the page refreshes and reloads the editor.

    Either he doesn’t like that editor or he decides not to make any edits; for whatever reason, he clicks the Cancel button. The blue button with the red circle; says Cancel.

    The page refreshes again, and the available buttons are now: Edit, Move, Duplicate, Delete, Preview. There is no Cancel button anymore. The only way to cancel is to click the little grey X down at the lower right, but that’s not immediately apparent. And our user wants immediate gratification.

    But the Delete button has a pretty red circle on it, and it looks very, very similar to the Cancel button he clicked on the previous screen. And it’s in exactly the same place in the window as the Cancel button was....

    Y’all see where I’m going with this, right? grin

    Even with the warning that pops up, there’s potential for disaster here. Say our user panics and clicks Okay by mistake (especially since with FireFox, the "Okay" button is highlighted and very tempting to click on for someone who really didn’t read the warning message......)

    Maybe having the Cancel button on the "View Resource data" popup, as well as on the "Edit Resource" popup would be a good idea? Or maybe moving the "Delete" button well away from the others (in both windows?)

    Just a thought smiley

      • 19975
      • 429 Posts
      great idea, anything to stop clients mistakenly removing content sounds good to me smiley
        Martin Sanders - Design & Web Development
        • 21054
        • 78 Posts
        I’m glad you picked this up. It would be confusing to some users. Although the client will see an "are you sure?" message if they do click on the Delete button. If they delete the page by mistake, they can of course undelete it if they know how to go into the Manager.

        On that note, it would be nice to have a Delete button by default on the QuickManager in case a client creates a new resource by mistake.
          • 24935
          • 160 Posts
          I think I actually clicked delete once myself. It is natural for many users to just keep clicking if something doesn’t appear to happen, and other always like to double click on everything.

          My opinion is that cancel should close the lightbox window. (If there is a need to duplicate or move a document, it would be much easier to do it from the main QM bar than have to click Edit... cancel... move/duplicate.)