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    Quote from: rmcellig at Mar 13, 2018, 09:33 AM
    I am still using Wordpress for my site but wouldn't mind changing.not sure if Modx has a steep learning curve. Below is my site. I. Just wondering how challenging it would be to create this in Modx and keep my site free of cost. That's what I love about WordPress.


    Are the audio files on a third party server? I wouldn't imagine it'd be difficult to port it to MODx.
      • 25182
      • 50 Posts
      Yes. All of my audio files are on an external hosting server.

      Thanks for getting back to me!!
        • 25182
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        Quote from: rmcellig at Oct 02, 2018, 02:01 PM
        Yes. All of my audio files are on an external hosting server.

        Thanks for getting back to me!!

        If you need a sample of code from one of my pages, let me know.It's basically HTML and some CSS.
          • 46886
          • 1,154 Posts
          What do you use now to provide the little boxes for each mp3? Its that data that would need to be ported properly.

          I believe that MIGX would be a good choice to use for this function, the trick would be to line up the database fields properly. Otherwise you would be manually putting in stuff like the date and text intro of the clip...
            • 25182
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            Quote from: nuan88 at Oct 02, 2018, 03:43 PM
            What do you use now to provide the little boxes for each mp3? Its that data that would need to be ported properly.

            I believe that MIGX would be a good choice to use for this function, the trick would be to line up the database fields properly. Otherwise you would be manually putting in stuff like the date and text intro of the clip...

            I am using the WordPress audio player which I believe uses the html5 audio tag.
              • 46886
              • 1,154 Posts
              Hmm I think the different parts of your site should be talked about distinctly. They may need different solutions.

              I want to mention that usually here we are talking about using tools to make all of the pages dynamic and easily extendable. Limited hard coding. So for instance if I just want a tool to get all the mp3 files in a folder and output them as links, its easy and anytime I have a new mp3 file, I just throw it in the folder and its there for the users when they load the page. I am not sure whether you are using such tools now.

              I was asking how does your site get the list of mp3 files and output that (say for the "I’VE HEARD THAT SONG BEFORE" archives)? Where is the data about the title, blurb, date etc. of the mp3? On this page its just date so its a bit more simple.

              In Modx the MIGX would be able to hold your files and contents about them. So the title, blurb, date, performers, whatever values you would attach to the mp3 for your reader. Then, with the MIGX tv made, you would have basically database fields on that page, where the mp3 path would go along with associated info.

              MIGX I guess is really great at assembling related information, for instance I have a site with video, audio, blurb data all connected. Now for that one you import new data by hand so its not totally automatic.

              Its the data you have now that you would want to import so that MIGX sees the data and throws it all in the right place. Its not too hard, the fieldnames in the database columns are I believe the only really crucial part.

              For something like your 'IT snippets' page, you would definitely want that data to all be exported right to the new Modx tool which is going to get that list for you. I think something like getResources would be more suitable for this purpose, but maybe others have another opinion on that.

              Would you like to start a new thread, with a brand new title that is on point? 'Transition from Wordpress' would probably pull out some lurkers who have useful info.
                • 25182
                • 50 Posts
                Sounds interesting. I'll think about it. Thanks for your valuable comment!