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    • 31039
    • 49 Posts
    I was just about to look at using the META tags and Keyword manager but the tab is no longer visable on the "Edit Resouce" page.

    In a post from Ryan http://modxcms.com/forums/index.php/topic,37260.msg224958.html#msg224958 he mentioned that Meta might be dropped from a future release.

    Anyone have any further information? huh

    TO make things work i’m just using Template Variables but wondered if there was an official reason for the Meta TAB not being avaible in the latest version

    thanks grin
      • 25663 MODX Staff
      • 12,272 Posts
      Our legacy predecessor didn’t have TVs, which are a much better way to manage meta tags as we’ve said for a long time. Revo will not ever support any similar functionality. The built in Meta tags and Keywords is just crufty and inelegant if I’m being honest.

      TVs with @INHERIT and ManagerManager are infinitely better and more flexible.
        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
        • 31039
        • 49 Posts
        Thanks Ryan,

        already started off with the TV and @INHERIT ...

        Whats the reason under "Elements", "Manage META and Keywords" for the keywords elements remaining? Has that been left so that they can be connected up into a TV?
          • 25663 MODX Staff
          • 12,272 Posts
          You can still turn on the tab in Tools > Configuration > Interface & Features tab, 3rd option, and was not left in with the intention of connecting to TVs. 1.0.2 serves as an official notice of future deprecation, meaning it’s not gone yet but it will be in the future (as it is now with Revo).
            Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
            Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
            • 11927
            • 105 Posts
            Maybe there is a better place to ask this.

            Also, maybe I’m not understanding the TVs very well.

            But it seems weird to have a TV for keywords and one for descriptions. The only reason is if I put in the head of my templates the following code
            <meta name="keywords" content="[*keywords*]" />  <meta name="description" content="[*description*]" />

            And then on some of my pages I want a nofollow or noindex, then I either have to create a new template, another TV for that, or something crazy snippet/TV combo. If I just use another TV for the nofollows, then there is extra HTML in the head that is useless. ie.
            <meta name="keywords" content="" />  <meta name="description" content="" />

            Like I said though, I may not understand TVs or even modx enough to know how to properly do this.
              You may or may not want to use the code I write. It&#39;s probably all against the syntax rules of php and MODx. smiley

              Carpet Cleaning
              • 11927
              • 105 Posts
              Is there a proper way(ie. no extra html) to do this besides like this:

              or like this:

              Because I seems like I would always have that Meta tag on all my pages, even if I didn’t have keywords.
                You may or may not want to use the code I write. It&#39;s probably all against the syntax rules of php and MODx. smiley

                Carpet Cleaning
                • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
                • 24,524 Posts
                The meta tags were removed. TVs are a much cleaner and more flexible solution.
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                  • 11927
                  • 105 Posts
                  So how do I do meta tags for pages that I don’t want keywords and descriptions, but a nofollow. and vise-versa without having extra html?

                  What I see is that pages with descriptions and keywords will look like this.

                  <meta name="keywords" content="these, are, my, keywords" />
                  <meta name="description" content="Here is a description" />
                  <meta name="robots" content="" />

                  And then for pages with nofollow it will look like this.

                  <meta name="keywords" content="" />
                  <meta name="description" content="" />
                  <meta name="robots" content="nofollow" />

                  I guess it just seems to me that there is extra html that is being inserted on to the page, a lot like what dreamweaver does. Am I wrong on that thought?

                  Is the only way to properly do this is to use a snippet to check if the TV has a value and then output the metas? Like:

                  if($modx->getTemplateVar("tv_keywords") != "")
                    echo "<meta name='keywords' content='". $modx->getTemplateVar("keywords") ."' />";

                  I know the syntax may not be right, but you get the idea.
                    You may or may not want to use the code I write. It&#39;s probably all against the syntax rules of php and MODx. smiley

                    Carpet Cleaning
                    • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
                    • 24,524 Posts
                    That’s the way I would do it.
                      Studying MODX in the desert - http://sottwell.com
                      Tips and Tricks from the MODX Forums and Slack Channels - http://modxcookbook.com
                      Join the Slack Community - http://modx.org
                      • 10323
                      • 35 Posts
                      I understand this is an old thread, but I am having trouble getting this to work properly on an Evo 1.0.5 site with a TV that has its default value set to @INHERIT. I need the snippet to output a meta element only if

                      • a TV value was actually inherited from a parent resource
                      • a TV value was entered for the resource

                      but output nothing if the TV value was left at its default (parent's TV value is also @INHERIT) or is empty.

                      How would that be done?