I see, thanks for that.
I tried making the change and running update earlier. The update ran successfully, but trying to access /manager gave me a notice that the site was under maintenance and to try again later!
Finally, I deleted everything, made the php change, set IUSR permissions to full control of the folder(! this is my own pc) and ran the install again. This time it went through without issue and I have my first modx site to try out. I guess it won’t be as much effort in my production environment on apache!
What is the preferred method here? I updated my code as instructed in the second method and it worked perfectly, but then got to thinking Jason (OpenGeek) is the coder and he suggested disabling "STRICT_TRANS_TABLES"
Doing a quick search around the net on "STRICT_TRANS_TABLES" there might be other things that are adversely affected in Modx by having this set in the tables. But it seems to be set by default, at least in my version of MySql.
"Remember what Bilbo used to say: It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to."
-J.R.R. Tolkien from The Lord of the Rings
New user here. Ran into this issue on fresh install of Modx 1.03. I dont think this is an upgrade error at all (as title of thread states) because I never had a previous install.
I’m running Win XP SP3, Apache 2.2, PHP 5.3.2 with MySql community server 5.1.37 as localhost.
This was a show stopper as I could not continue installation. Fortunately I found this thread. I had to drop the existing database, recreate db, and reinstall. I no longer get the error.
Instead of searching for line numbers (which varies if you don’t have line wrap), here’s the context of code surrounding the areas of change
$category = mysql_real_escape_string($moduleTemplates[$si][4]);
$locked = mysql_real_escape_string($moduleTemplates[$si][5]);
$locked = ($locked=='') ? 0 : $locked; // ADD THIS LINE HERE
$filecontent = $moduleTemplates[$si][3];
$assignments = $moduleTVs[$si][9];
$category = mysql_real_escape_string($moduleTVs[$si][10]);
$locked = mysql_real_escape_string($moduleTVs[$si][11]);
$locked = ($locked=='') ? 0 : $locked; // ADD THIS LINE HERE
Kerry Kobashi
Kobashi Computing