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    • 38755
    • 43 Posts
    I was having trouble getting a valid RSS feed with Ditto due to the <pubDate> tag getting rendered in lowercase regardless of being camelcase in the ditto template chunk. Initially I inquired about the issue in the Ditto forum, but further investigation shows that anything resembling a markup tag within templates or chunks get rendered in lowercase regardless of the case saved in the system.

    I’ve tested by placing the following in a chunk:
    <lowercase />
    <CAPS />
    <CamelCase />

    And calling it in a template alongside a <FAKE /> tag within the template itself. This is the rendered output:
    <lowercase /> 
    <caps /> 
    <camelcase /> 
    <fake />

    Is this intended behavior, a bug, or is there a config item somewhere I’m not aware of? I’m seeing this behavior with different hosting accounts, and am using Evo version 1.0.2
    • Sounds like a Ditto problem.
        • 38755
        • 43 Posts
        To clarify, that’s what I initially thought too as I first noticed it when using Ditto to generate RSS ( http://modxcms.com/forums/index.php/topic,45719.0.html )

        After testing it turned out to happen outside of Ditto usage -- the above samples are just a chunk called in a regular template, and a completely fake tag placed in said template. No logic or snippets involved, just the chunk and template rendered through a resource (regular page).

        I have set up a fresh install and this doesn’t happen there, so it is something particular to this one install. Next up is for me to step through installed addons and see if one of them is the cause. It’s the only thing I can imagine, perhaps a plugin that isn’t part of the core distribution.

        Found the cause. The DirectResize plugin makes use of Simple HTML DOM Parser (directresize/includes/simple_html_dom.php) and that defaults to converting tags to lowercase. I edited the call to simple_html_dom->load in DR to set lowercase false and the issue is resolved. I’ll add a post to the DR support thread regarding this, and perhaps make a version of DR that exposes this as a config setting.