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    • 3315
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    I’m having an issue with version when used with IE6 I’m getting a blank screen when using the back and forward buttons to browse. I’ve also noticed this occurring on some sites people have posted like the demo site by opensourcecms. Has anyone else ran into this issue?
      • 3315
      • 7 Posts
      i believe i have cleared up this issue it appears to be an issue with mulitple versions of ie on one machine and using modx. When I keep the two browsers on seperate machines all works fine. Thanks everyone for your help
        • 4310
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        I gave up on Multiple IE’s and went for the Virtual PC option which seems much better.
          • 25483
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          ronaldlokers Reply #4, 16 years ago
          Try to install & run IETester (http://www.my-debugbar.com/wiki/IETester/HomePage). It uses the renderers of the different ie versions and combines them in a tabbed window, it is easier to install than separate IE installations and it works well with MODx smiley

            with regards,

            Ronald Lokers
            'Front-end developer' @ h2o Media

            • 3315
            • 7 Posts
            thanks MediaGuy & bunk58 I will look into both of these solutions and see which will work out better for me.