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    First, congratulations to Jason and the core developpers for the great work and the ambitious project that MODx Revolution is. I’m impatient to discover a true multilingual version of MODx, even if alpha.

    I’m trying to install MODx Revolution 2.0.0-alpha-5 from within a subfolder of htdocs in XAMPP, that is a website folder.
    (This folder is named modx2 in my case.)

    When running index.php from MODx’s root the following error displays.

    Fatal error: Class ’xPDOQuery_’ not found in D:\xampplite\htdocs\modx2\core\xpdo\xpdo.class.php on line 1791

    Lines 1790 and 1791 from the xpdo.class.php file let me think that there is a problem with the database that can probably not be configured :
    1790:            $xpdoQueryClass= 'xPDOQuery_' . $this->config['dbtype'];
    1791:            if ($query= new $xpdoQueryClass($this, $class, $criteria)) {

    I also tried to run directly index.php from the MODx setup folder.
    All checks are OK, excepted the connection to the database :

    Could not connect to the database.
        [database_type] => mysql
        [database_server] => localhost
        [dbase] => alp
        [database_user] => root
        [database_password] => 
        [database_collation] => latin1_general_ci
        [database_charset] => latin1
        [database_connection_charset] => latin1
        [table_prefix] => alp_
        [install_mode] => 0
        [https_port] => 443
        [site_sessionname] => SN48fa53f65d44f
        [cache_disabled] => false
        [inplace] => 1
        [unpacked] => 1

    1) The database was not created before running the setup. I hoped MODx would do it.
    2) I experimented several MODx 9.6.2 setups without problem (also with latin-1charset and latin1_general_ci collation)
    3) I removed the read-only attribute for MODx Revolution folders, as asked.
    4) In the core/config subfolder, I added an empty config.inc.php file, as asked.
    5) My OS is Windows XP.

    Did I miss something ?
    Thanks for your help.

    • Quote from: Jul at Oct 18, 2008, 09:54 PM

      I also tried to run directly index.php from the MODx setup folder.
      All checks are OK, excepted the connection to the database :

      1) The database was not created before running the setup. I hoped MODx would do it.
      2) I experimented several MODx 9.6.2 setups without problem (also with latin-1charset and latin1_general_ci collation)
      3) I removed the read-only attribute for MODx Revolution folders, as asked.
      4) In the core/config subfolder, I added an empty config.inc.php file, as asked.
      5) My OS is Windows XP.
      You should run setup/index.php and get all the way through installation successfully before trying to run the web site.

      1) The database should have been created during the final installation step if your db user has permission to create databases. What were the results of the installation?

      3) This is not needed on Windows environments.
      4) This is not needed on Windows, or any longer period, and the instructions will be removed.

      Let’s confirm installation was successful before getting any deeper. It does not appear as though you have even completed the install...
        • 15001
        • 697 Posts

        I could finally install MODx Revolution 2 alpha 5 using the setup/index.php file.

        This is what I observed :

        1) The database could be connected (see button "Test connection") only if it had been created during a prior setup of MODx "classical", i.e. from the MODx 9.6 branch. Else, I got the "Could not connect the database" error with the details mentionned in the second block of code in the first message of this thread.

        So, MODx Revolution alpha 5 does not appear able to create a new database in my XAMPP environment.

        2) Although I was obliged to use the name of a previously created database, MODx setup obliged me to choose a different table prefix that the one used by MODx for another website. I think that this is a good thing, allowing the storage of multiple sites in the same database, without the risk of corrupting tables.

        3) Choosing charset latin-1and collation latin1_general_ci rather than the default uft-8 settings are possible, as I expected.