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  • I know one of the features that I am looking forward to having is the ability to run multiple sites from one install each site having it’s own domain and/or subdomain for the same group to manage the site or I guess network of sites.

    If you excuse the dumbing down, basically what I am reading is a context is for lack of better words it’s own 0.9.6 install. Any chunks, tv, snippets, templates will need to be created for each context? They can all be accessed and edited out of the manager so it’s basically one login for all site, but then they are all isolated?

      Patrick | Server Wrangler
      About Me: Website | TweetsMODX Hosting
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      This may not be the most recent thread for talking about multi-sites with contexts but just so anyone who comes along knows... the method described in this thread works great for multi-site installs. I did one just today using 2.0 alpha 5.

      The key for any multi-site setup is either a) having access to a virtual host configuration or b) being able to symlink your webroots together for multiple domains on one hosted server.

      In the end you need to be able to have multiple domains or subdomains loading up the same physical files. Then using the plugin and context key/value pairs described at the beginning of this thread, you will get your multi-site up and running in 10 minutes, at which point you can easily setup any new sites at about 10 min each.

      Once you’ve done that you can look into setting up manager permissions for your editors, etc. to only access one context (they don’t even need to know about the others).

      The site I’m setting up now is an Affiliate program for a client where all the sites are basically the same, except for logo, colors, Meta tags and some content. Using contexts and multi-sites is going to make this a breeze. Luckily i don’t need any advanced functionality for these sites, since 2.0 doesn’t have a lot of quick snippets to drop in... would have to be all custom. I’m still going to have to grab an old email form rather than using eForm which I’ve come to rely on for it’s robust options...

      Anyways, good luck out there.

      • foniksonik,

        I understand the steps you took by your descriptions, but it may be of more benefit if you were to actually create a wiki article on it with more detailed information, config snippets, etc., for those who have not been working with web servers as long as you may have.

        just a suggestion.
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