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    The MODx Team would like all to know that we have released MODx Revolution Alpha-2, downloadable from the MODx Web Transport Facility.

    Alpha-3 will be on the way soon, as we intend to increase the pace of incremental development upgrades.

    Again, please fill out bugs in JIRA, read up on documentation in Confluence, and follow SVN developments in Fisheye.



    - Adopting new product name, MODx Revolution, and changed version to 2.0.0
    - Fixed bug with content type grid
    - Replaced ’gender’ with Role column in Users grid
    - [#MODX-182] Fixed invalid reference in tv/create.js
    - Fixed TV input type dropdown, added proper processor/connector
    - changed xPDOCriteria calls to more abstract newQuery ability
    - Added attachment capabilities to modMail/modPHPMailer classes
    - Added setHTML method to modPHPMailer
    - Updated documentation for modValidator class
    - Added explicit header call to set text/json; charset=UTF-8 on responses from modJSONError
    - Remote package installation now works.
    - Fixed invalid schema relationships with transport providers/packages
    - Included check for xPDO transport service config to prevent warning
    - [#MODX-108] Added more database info to the site info page - contrib by sottwell
    - Finished UI for modStaticResource
    - Added some inline documentation to widgets for help
    - Set a more appropriate default resolver target
    - Removed unnecessary package parameter from modPackageBuilder::buildSchema
    - Removed unnecessary package setting
    - Added buildSchema function to modPackageBuilder
    - Added tooltips to elements and contexts in the resource/element trees
    - Fixed bug in Module update page
    - Added a qtip to document tree nodes so they display resource longtitle/description in a tooltip
    - Moved styles to gray theme to prepare for css work
    - Weblinks now functional
    - Fixed slight bug with FF3 and panel collapsibility
    - Fixed plugin properties
    - [#MODX-162] Fixes problem where vehicle grid is not refreshed on 2nd build, as well as resets the form
    - Added ’success’ event to MODx.FormPanel
    - [#MODX-172] Fix to option values for setup in IE 6. Fix by kmd.
    - [#MODX-166] - Fixed config cache issue - fix provided by kmd
    - [#MODX-165] could not save Template element - fix provided by SA
    - Fixed and cleaned up the actions/menus JS and combos
    - Removed unnecessary tertiary expression (check is already handled by the function)
    - [#MODX-131] Fixed Apache crash and enabled Tools -> Action
    - Added fix to _() JS function to allow for parameter passing:
    String: ’Testing: [[+hello]]’;
    JS call: _(’testkey’,{’hello’: ’Success!’});
    Result: ’Testing: Success!’;
    - [#MODX-148] Added support for [[+placeholder]] tags in lexicon strings. i.e., with a lexicon string with key ’test’ and value: ’Test me: [[+hello]]’
    $modx->lexicon(’test’,array(’hello’ => ’Success!’);

    - Fixed to typo on system info JS
    - Added namespacing ability to the addDirectory() and load() methods of modLexicon. Used like so:
    - [#MODX-102] fixed missing lexicon entries in php4
    - Added OnHandleRequest event, invoked before anything occurs in modRequest::handleRequest().
    - Set the modLexicon::_lexicon to an empty array even if nothing was loaded.
    - Added modX::switchContext(string $contextKey) function to make it easy to switch contexts using a plugin and the new OnHandleRequest event.
    - Fix to properly submit the content field for resources (should also handle multiple RTEs now)
    - Fixed typo in lexicon reference in event getlist
    - Fix to MODx.load to return multiple objects if they exist
    - General JS doc updates
    - Added MODx JS class, which allows for xtype loading via MODx.load()
    - Some JS doc updates
    - Fixed modErrorHandler to ignore suppressed errors like a proper error handler is expected to.
    - [#MODX-109] Fix bug with profile page loading of date.
    - Reconfigured context update window to separate into tabs for easier viewing and rendering
    - Changed TV resource group panel to a grid, instated proper remove/update code
    - [#MODX-126] Implemented 2 new modSystemSettings: feed_modx_news and feed_modx_security for dynamic setting of the RSS feeds in the welcome pane of the manager
    - [#MODX-137] Removed locked check until a resolution is made on locked elements.
    - [#MODX-119] Corrected issue with file editor stripping out SCRIPT tags. Was using $_REQUEST instead of $_POST so the values were sanitized by the request handler.
    - Updated Template management to a MODx.FormPanel
    - Altered the way modLexicon loads multiple foci for PHP4 compatibility
    - Added modLexicon::addDirectory, which adds a directory when loading lexicon foci
    - Properly load TV widgets and i18n their strings
    - Fixed bug with modLexicon and $modx reference
    - [#MODX-133] Prevent elements from being dragged into different types
    - [#MODX-125] Fixed saving pub/unpub date on resources
    - [#MODX-106] Removed assets/images check.
    - Configured Object field in Package Builder to be a combobox that loads a dropdown of the selected class_key
    - Added ability to remove vehicles from not yet built package
    - Added MODx.grid.LocalGrid as abstract class of local-data-based grids
    - Added MODx.panel.Wizard as abstract class of wizard panels
    - [#MODX-121] Fixed top menu loading incorrectly when clicking on icons
    - Fixed TV management page, specifically with TV->Template access
    - [#MODX-118] Fixed bug with creating/removing/updating directories from Directory tree
    - Added MODx.combo.ContentDisposition
    - Added ability for MODx.toolbar.Actionbuttons to support formpanel as an alternative for form config parameter
    - Added $modx->config properties to MODx.config JS array sent
    - Fixed update resource TV loading
    - [#MODX-113] Fixed bug in Safari with scrolling in grids, apparently Safari doesn’t like Ext’s autoHeight
    - Removed legacy tpl’s in settings/ dir
    - [#MODX-107] Fixed tree refreshes when resource is saved, both in create and update. Update will now refresh only the parent node of the resource being saved, which speeds up save time
    - Fixed issues with TV Panel loading improperly on new resource
    - [#MODX-114] Prevented JS error from occurring when using page settings checkboxes
    - [#MODX-116] Fixed text for removing a category
      shaun mccormick | bigcommerce mgr of software engineering, former modx co-architect | github | splittingred.com
      • 7231
      • 4,205 Posts
      Very nice indeed. Impressive list of fixes grin
        [font=Verdana]Shane Sponagle | [wiki] Snippet Call Anatomy | MODx Developer Blog | [nettuts] Working With a Content Management Framework: MODx

        Something is happening here, but you don't know what it is.
        Do you, Mr. Jones? - [bob dylan]
        • 28033
        • 925 Posts
          My Snippets
          -> PopUpChunk v1.0
          • 5091
          • 332 Posts
          Very nice! thank you for the hard work laugh
          I’ll start testing it tomorrow.