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    • 17895
    • 209 Posts
    I was in some forum post and noticed a link, I went there and... http://docs.modxcms.com/ ... :-O so THERE IS a documentation of the MODx 0.9.7!!!!

    I am wondering why all this 0.9.7 effort is not so clearly visible on the homepage of MODx... I think it should... I think there should be a documentation, a wiki documentation, I think... that comprises everything from a "let’s see what the hell is this MODx" to the precise API documentation... and, more important, there should be a page VERY WELL advertised, that points to all this...

    just my 2 cents...

    I love MODx and have it working in many websites of mine... but there is something that cannot be named "lack of documentation", it’s, actually, sparseness of documentation: you have to loose a lot of time just for FINDING documentation... or to understand that someone else has your same problem or need and you didn’t know...

    we have the forum (that alone, is HUGE), the website, the wiki, the documentation, the trac (with wiki!)... too many places... too much information leads to no information at all...
      Daniele "MadMage" Calisi
    • The information in docs.modxcms.com is pretty old and was a test run, but at least it gives you an idea of where it’s headed. smiley
        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
        • 27376
        • 576 Posts
        Don’t forget wtf.modxcms.com!

        All of these I’m pretty certain are still under construction, so don’t complain about them until they’re actually finished wink

        The still somewhat most useful page I’ve used on there is this one: http://docs.modxcms.com/classtrees_xpdo.html
          • 20289
          • 958 Posts
          WOW wtf.modxcms.com grin laugh, Cool design and documentation, Web Transport Facility, Anyway WTF is a cool word combination grin
          Thanks sirlancelot.
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