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    I just downloaded the latest revision and have been playing with getting SPForm working in 0.9.7.

    I was able to to it, but only by hard-coding all the links. The MODx config and .htaccess are the same as my 0.9.6 site (both on localhost) where the FURLs work fine. On the 0.9.7 site, I can’t access the pages by name in links or directly in the browser.

    Before wrestling with this further, I though I’d ask if FURLs work yet in 0.9.7.

    [Solved] Doh! I had the new link syntax in 0.9.7 half right.

    For others:
    Wrong: <a href="[[~22~]]">Linkname</a>
    Right: <a href="[[~22]]">Linkname</a>


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    • Yes they work, or at least did last I tested. But they have changed slightly, as they are now driven by content types, which define there own FURL extension, and you can also define a default extension for "containers", e.g. ’/’ or ’/index.html’, though atm that is limited to HTML content types. [NOTE: a new content types/extensions editor is on the to do list]

      There is also no longer multiple ways to access the same content; each strictly defines one accessible URL. And the start_page always goes to the site_url.