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    Yeah I know, we’re not there yet with 0.9.7 that I am getting ahead of myself asking this rolleyes

    In fact it’s a question which has been raised on the french boards, and which seems pretty interresting.

    Will those resources add-ons adapted or written for 0.9.7 require another rewrite when we jump to 1.0 ?
    My (limited tongue) understanding is that 0.9.7 is a backport of 1.0, I would lend toward "no rewrite needed".

    Jason ?

      .: COO - Commerce Guys - Community Driven Innovation :.

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      As with any progress, it will definitely involve change, but certainly not a rewrite, or even the migration effort it will take to move to 0.9.7. But I don’t guess I understand the concern at this juncture, considering 0.9.7 add-ons (not resources please, as resources means documents or pages moving forward) are not yet released.
        • 6726
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        Oops I stand corrected on the terminology tongue

        If I understand correctly, the concern is - for those who are about to rewrite their add-ons - to know wether or not it will still work with 1.0. Maybe the line of thinking behind this is : should I adapt my add on to 0.9.7 or wait for 1.0 ? The implicit hypothesis is there won’t be a lot of time between 0.9.7 and 1.0, I guess.
          .: COO - Commerce Guys - Community Driven Innovation :.

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          All I can say is that we are doing our best to make migration from version to version as easy as possible, improving it as we go. This certainly doesn’t mean there won’t be future migrations necessary. But once the leap to 0.9.7 is complete, changes will be much easier to manage anyway, via transport packages, various compatibility measures, etc. Visualize it as making a huge leap over a chasm (to 0.9.7), then making a series of smaller, less risky jumps as you continue forward (1.0 and beyond)...
            • 25663 MODX Staff
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            Make the migration to 097 ASAP ... that’s my advice.
              Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
              Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
              • 6726
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              Quote from: OpenGeek at Dec 12, 2007, 04:53 PM
              But once the leap to 0.9.7 is complete, changes will be much easier to manage anyway, via transport packages, various compatibility measures, etc. Visualize it as making a huge leap over a chasm (to 0.9.7), then making a series of smaller, less risky jumps as you continue forward (1.0 and beyond)...

              Exactly what I have been answering on the french board, but I wanted to check if the message was consistent smiley

              Quote from: rthrash at Dec 12, 2007, 06:02 PM
              Make the migration to 097 ASAP ... that’s my advice.

              My take on this is, get familiar with 0.9.7 so that I am ready when the migration happens for the 10+ MODx powered websites I have... but migrating current production websites, I don’t think so (not yet, at least for me...).
                .: COO - Commerce Guys - Community Driven Innovation :.

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                Exactly ... but your question was about add-ons. If you have sites up and running that don’t need the added flexibility and capability that 097 brings, then why migrate? wink
                  Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
                  Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
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                  Actually it was not my question but coroico’s and to give him an accurate answer, I wanted to check with you guys first that the marketing guy was not totally rambling, giving unwarranted expectations can act like a boomerang for our image...

                  As for upgrading to 0.9.7, well, I am an early adopter I can’t help it grin

                  Seriously, right now I won’t use 0.9.7 in production because I don’t need this added flexibility / capability at the moment. But I do need quite a few existing add-ons and since I am no developper I can’t rewrite them with 0.9.7 wink

                  Of course, I expect new features to open new markets and the fact there are several french coders could mean new partnership around this solution... I have to think one step ahead smiley
                    .: COO - Commerce Guys - Community Driven Innovation :.

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                    Thanks for these answers laugh
                    Don’t worry David you aren’t totally rambling and the Modx image is totally preserved

                    I have downloaded from SVN the 0.9.7 version and the documentation with Phpdocumentor. I will try to run it and evaluate the difficulties, for an ex-newbie in modx snippet development, about the gap between 0.96 and 0.97

                      • 22303 MODX Staff
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                      Quote from: coroico at Dec 12, 2007, 11:11 PM

                      I have downloaded from SVN the 0.9.7 version and the documentation with Phpdocumentor. I will try to run it and evaluate the difficulties for an ex-newbie in modx snippet development the gap between 0.96 and 0.97
                      Feel free to do so; we certainly welcome any help. Just keep in mind this is still in flux and that there is much work, in terms of code and especially documentation, to be done to help "bridge" that gap for snippet developers.