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    • 4172
    • 5,888 Posts
    this snippet doesn't have a sortby - option.

    If you need that, use getResources or pdoResources.
    Also migxLoopCollection, bundled with MIGX would do it, or rowboat.

    for publishedon you will need



    does allways get the value from the current resource.

      you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


      • 3749
      • 24,544 Posts
      It depends on whether they are all immediate children (e.g., no grandchildren).

      If there are no grandchildren, this will be significantly faster:

      $docId = $modx->resource->get('id');
      $tpl = $modx->getOption('tpl',$scriptProperties,'');
      if (!$tpl) { 
          return 'No template given.'; 
      $c = $modx->newQuery('modResource');
      $c->where(array('parent' => $docId));
      $c->sortby('publishedon', 'DESC');
      $docs = $modx->getCollection('modResource', $c);
      $output = '<h2>[[*pagetitle]]</h2><ul>'; 
      foreach ($docs as $doc) {
          $fields = $doc->toArray();
          $output .= $modx->getChunk($tpl, $fields);
      $output .= '</ul>';
      return $output;

      If there are grandchildren, you can do it like this:

      $c = $modx->newQuery('modResource');
      $c->sortby('publishedon', 'DESC');
      $docs = $modx->resource->getMany('Children', $c);

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        • 51397
        • 2 Posts
        Thank you so much, @BobRay. It worked for me – and I've added some code so only published and not-deleted childs are active. Here's the code:

        $docId = $modx->resource->get('id');
        $tpl = $modx->getOption('tpl',$scriptProperties,'');
        if (!$tpl) { 
            return 'No template given.'; 
        $c = $modx->newQuery('modResource');
        $c->where(array('parent' => $docId, 'deleted' => 0, 'published' => 1));
        $c->sortby('publishedon', 'ASC');
        $docs = $modx->getCollection('modResource', $c);
        $output = '<h2>[[*pagetitle]]</h2><ul>'; 
        foreach ($docs as $doc) {
            $fields = $doc->toArray();
            $output .= $modx->getChunk($tpl, $fields);
        $output .= '</ul>';
        return $output;
          • 3749
          • 24,544 Posts
          Looks great. I'm glad I could help. smiley
            Did I help you? Buy me a beer
            Get my Book: MODX:The Official Guide
            MODX info for everyone: http://bobsguides.com/modx.html
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