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    I want to do a search through 2 columns. I get phrase from the user query, explode it and trying to build following syntax:

    [...] WHERE (column1 LIKE ’%word1%’ AND column1 LIKE ’%word2%’) OR (column2 LIKE ’%word1%’ AND column2 LIKE ’%word2%’)

    im trying to use following code but I get ( ) AND ( )
    what to do in case it’s dynamic query depending on number of words.

        		$searchArr = explode (' ', $this->_config['phrase']);
        		$searchCount = count ($searchArr);
    			$q = $this->modx->newQuery('nlFile');
    			$q->select('nlFile.*, Cart.id AS cartid, Cart.file_size AS file_size');
    			$q->leftJoin('nlCart', 'Cart', 'nlFile.id = Cart.fid AND Cart.uid = '.$this->_config['uid']);
    			$searchArrQ = array();
        		if ($searchCount > 1) {
    				foreach ($searchArr as $key => $search) {
    					if ($key == $searchCount -1) {
    							'title:LIKE' => '%'.$search.'%'
    						), NULL, 1);
    							'description:LIKE' => '%'.$search.'%'
    						), NULL, 2);
    					} else {
    							'title:LIKE' => '%'.$search.'%',
    						), NULL, 1);
    							'description:LIKE' => '%'.$search.'%'
    						), NULL, 2);
        		} else {
    					'title:LIKE' => '%'.$search.'%',
    					'description:LIKE' => '%'.$search.'%'
    			$q->sortby('added_date', 'DESC');
    			$q->limit($this->_config['limit'], $this->_config['offset']);
    			$this->sql = $q->toSQL();
    			print ($this->sql);
    	    	$this->data = $this->modx->getCollection('nlFile', $q);	

    • Creating condition groups was recently made easier - you can do it with nested arrays in the xPDOQuery::where method.
      This is illustrated on this page:

      I thought there was another page or forum post or something explaining nested condition groups further, but I can’t find it at the moment.
        Mike Schell
        Lead Developer, MODX Cloud
        Email: [email protected]
        GitHub: https://github.com/netProphET/
        Twitter: @mkschell