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    I took on a fairly simple development gig last week, but had to commit to a hair-raising deadline.
    In the past, for a few years anyway, I’ve reached for ADODB for my database access. It’s simple, I know how to use it, it saves me time when compared to working exclusively with PHP’s MySQL functions.
    This time, deadline be damned, I cranked up xPDO on my data model and got to work.
    The deadline was this morning, and I delivered on time! (That in itself is a little unusual for me, let alone forcing a paradigm shift on my coding.)

    I’ve been playing around with xPDO for a little while, but mainly doing theoretical stuff... trying to figure it out from a multidimensional perspective. I haven’t come close to accomplishing that goal yet (!), but it was really nice to just dig in and build something real with it.

    Oh, so that no one has to ask the question.. it’s just a simple file-sharing tool, with a user side and an admin side. It’s NOT build in MODx.. just a simple custom rolled framework juiced up with xPDO.
    Users side has
    - login
    - register
    - forgot password
    - view list of files that admin has uploaded for users
    - download files (wrapped in app authentication)
    - upload their own files for admin
    Admin side has
    - login
    - simple yet robust user management
    - management of user-uploaded files
    - download files (wrapped in app authentication)
    - management of user-downloadable files

    The ORB paradigm shift leant itself well to my further exploration of MVC-type development. That paid off because I was able to quickly end up with a set of files that the designer could work with, and a set of files I could work with, and we never collided.

    I’m rambling at this point. Can you tell I’ve been awake for far too long? ;-)

    Thanks OpenGeek for your brilliance. And to other xPDO contributors for your dedication to a worthy cause.
    And to my dog Buster - without whom, none of this would be possible..
      Mike Schell
      Lead Developer, MODX Cloud
      Email: [email protected]
      GitHub: https://github.com/netProphET/
      Twitter: @mkschell
      • 22303 MODX Staff
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      Quote from: netProphET at Nov 14, 2007, 05:35 PM

      This time, deadline be damned, I cranked up xPDO on my data model and got to work.
      The deadline was this morning, and I delivered on time! (That in itself is a little unusual for me, let alone forcing a paradigm shift on my coding.)

      Thanks OpenGeek for your brilliance. And to other xPDO contributors for your dedication to a worthy cause.
      And to my dog Buster - without whom, none of this would be possible..


      And thanks to you netProphET (and don’t forget Buster), for sharing your experiences and your kind words, as well as being an xPDO pioneer.
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          • 21257 MODX Staff
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          Woof! (wag)
            Mike Schell
            Lead Developer, MODX Cloud
            Email: [email protected]
            GitHub: https://github.com/netProphET/
            Twitter: @mkschell
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            Quote from: netProphET at Nov 15, 2007, 01:30 PM

            Woof! (wag)
            He’s lying! netprophet IS the dog! grin