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    • 34883
    • 7 Posts

    I have a strange problem with Revo 2.1.2-pl (traditional) and gallery 1.2.1 (I don’t think it’s related to the plugin, thus I posted it here):

    There’s a chunk with the following code named inlineImgLeft:
    [[!GalleryItem? &id=`[[+imgId]]` &toPlaceholders=`0` &tpl=`inlineImgLeftTpl` &thumbHeight=`0` &thumbWidth=`130` &imageWidth=`900` &thumbHeight=`0` ]]

    On one page, I include this chunk:
    <p>[[$inlineImgLeft? &imgId=`10` ]] foo (...)</p>

    But the image doesn’t appear on the page, only the paragraph with text foo.
    Changing the chunk either to
    [[!GalleryItem? &id=`10` &toPlaceholders=`0` &tpl=`inlineImgLeftTpl` &thumbHeight=`0` &thumbWidth=`130` &imageWidth=`900` &thumbHeight=`0` ]]
    (thus working without variable)
    [[+imgId]][[!GalleryItem? &id=`[[+imgId]]` &toPlaceholders=`0` &tpl=`inlineImgLeftTpl` &thumbHeight=`0` &thumbWidth=`130` &imageWidth=`900` &thumbHeight=`0` ]]
    (Adding the variable additionately outside the snippet)
    works perfectly (the latter one of cource also adding the number in the paragraph).

    Can someone explain me this behaviour and has a solution for it?

      • 34883
      • 7 Posts
      The problem was solved with the update to Revo 2.1.3