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    • 30912
    • 463 Posts
    We have 2 sites at the moment which are both on Evolution, but we need to amalgamate both sites into one install so were having to look at Revolution.

    The main reason for this is we need to share content from one of the sites to the other. Presently we are having to create the content on each site.
    In revolution, I understand we can use PHX style filters on TV’s so that’s fine, and there’s Gallery to create the galleries (it should I believe work in a similar way to EvoGallery for outputting), but what im not sure about is can we share resource content from one context to another e.g

    Context 1 has Product 1 with all its information, this is then called using getResources into Context 2 and displays the information under Context 2?

    I have achieved the above with Ditto, calling a start ID and bringing the content to it using a TV but its whether there is a similar way or better to achieve it in Revolution.

    Everything else that’s been done with a little tweaking should work as is, apart from renaming TV’s etc.

    Thanks for any insight people might have.
      • 36635
      • 41 Posts
      Yes, that should work since you can specify the context in calls to getPage/getResources now. But if you want Product 1 under Context 2, then you probably want it to look differently (ie different site template), so you’d want to use the new SymLinks to do that. That way the same content can be styled differently in each site.