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    This is a very small and simple snippet that I made. I use it in combination with getResources to get any tv of any resource in a quick and dirty way. There might be a better way that I never thought of or found out about. I’m posting it here so people can use it if they want.

    if(!empty($ID) && is_numeric($ID)){
          $doc = $modx->getObject('modResource', $ID);
          echo $doc->getTVValue($name);
          echo 'Error: Name parameter is empty'; 
        echo 'Error: Wrong or empty ID paramater'; 

    If you combine this with:

    [[!getResources? &parents=`1` &tpl=`exampleTpl`]]


    <li>[[!getTV? &ID=`[[+id]]` &name=`testTV`]]</li>
    <li>[[!getTV? &ID=`[[+id]]` &name=`testTV2`]]</li>

    You can list TV’s when showing a list of resources.

    (If there is a better way of doing this, don’t hesitate to share it here)