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    I’ve found it in Gallery snippet. When update the image info - there is a popup window. If the description field contains any html tags then we will have the javascript error:

    ERROR: unterminated regular expression literal
    in: http://localhost/alt-team/manager/assets/ext3/ext-all.js
    string 7, char 57"}}</a>)

    I’ve explored that the problem appears in Ext.util.JSON.doDecode function in ext-all.js. Obviously, there is becose of html tags.

    There is the following code in the snippet:
    GAL.window.UpdateItem = function(config) {
            ,fields: [{
                xtype: 'textarea'
                ,fieldLabel: _('description')
                ,name: 'description'
                ,id: 'gal-'+this.ident+'-description'
                ,width: 300

    How to escape the html tags in the form fields in this case?
    Thanks in advance.