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    I believe that many of us would be grateful if someone could post step by step example of simplest (but complete, working) 3rd party component (Modx revolution rc-1) which would include:

    • custom table in database
    • custom manager page for storing data in that table
    • code for storing data in table
    • code for retrieving and displaying that data on page

    For example: Table which would have 2 columns (say fruit name and color). Entering that data, retrieving, listing...with that 3rd party component.

    Thanks in advance to anyone...

    Thank you for your existence wink
      Antonio Zdilar
      • 28215
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      splittingred Reply #2, 14 years ago
      We’ll write something on this as soon as we can, but for now, just checkout and look at the code here:


      This does what you are asking for.
        shaun mccormick | bigcommerce mgr of software engineering, former modx co-architect | github | splittingred.com