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    • 26903
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    Its not the only way if your on linux, there’s always this http://modxcms.com/extras/package/696 at the mo it simply mounts the db to the file sytem, integration with both svn and git is coming(its useable with git now nearly). its intended for the situation you describe above where a small dev shop has a team of developers that need to work together. Some folks like editing content as files and also versioning resources as well as php etc.
      Use MODx, or the cat gets it!
      • 21946
      • 283 Posts
      Ok, sounds interesting, thanks for the tip. smiley

      But reading the description, just add an include sounds cleaner to me, because all datas are dupplicated (file + database)...
      "he changes being reflected into the database, similarly, database changes are reflected into the content of these files."
      The fact that it works only on linux is not very exciting too, if i use an include, i have none of those limitations. And i can use svn or git or whatever version system i want.

      But, i’ll give it a try, maybe this is a nice solution.
        [url=http://www.savepoint.fr/index.php?id=38] -petits tuyaux pour les d
        • 27645
        • 10 Posts
        Quote from: nyl at Sep 26, 2010, 11:32 AM

        I read the whole topic. Maybe with some misunderstoods because i’m french.
        English is not my native language either, but I don’t think this is such a complicated problem where it would matter. The reason people are arguing against file-system storage is inertia, not real disagreement. There is face to be lost in admitting that a basic part of the system is designed wrong.

        @shamblett: MODXFS-PHP looks interesting. If I’d still be in a situation where I was forced to work with MODx, I’d certainly try it out.
        • Anything is good to avoid public shame.
          I’m on a horse.
            • 21946
            • 283 Posts
            ok, i’m definitively bad in english because i really don’t know what "face to be lost" mean and why lossendae is riding a horse grin

            concerning the package who is synchronising files and database, i’m need to be convinced (as i wrote here http://modxcms.com/forums/index.php/topic,54902.msg316306.html#msg316306) but it worth give it a try for sure.
              [url=http://www.savepoint.fr/index.php?id=38] -petits tuyaux pour les d
            • Perdre la face wink

              I don’t think that there is face to be lost here.
              1 - The team has answered several times on this subject.
              2 - I don’t feel like MODx’s forcing me to use db storage for most of the tasks
              3 - Some 3rd party components use only db storage, some not. Ultimately you do whatever you want with your files.

              The questions raised are legitimate, and the proposed solutions are interesting.
                • 21946
                • 283 Posts
                (le participe passé m’a confusionné ;-) )

                I’m agree with your points.
                However i’m looking for a alternative CMF or framework to Drupal, and the staging problematic is a very important one for me. (and Drupal needs a lot of improvements on this side, a lot of configuration is stucked in database)
                I can’t help thinking that staging and redeployment are easier with files, which are easier to manipulate than database.
                  [url=http://www.savepoint.fr/index.php?id=38] -petits tuyaux pour les d
                  • 27645
                  • 10 Posts
                  @nyl auster: Losing face just means losing some respect. I have to be very careful talking about this and make it clear that I don’t disrespect the MODx community, though. MODx clearly has a lot of good things going for it.

                  @lossendae: The MODx team has answered me in the sense that my posts have been followed by theirs, but not in the sense that the balance of arguments would shift in favor of database storage. I have to refer to the summary post I made, listing all the points. Your second point about workarounds is included. Sure, I can use includes, but it comes with a price, and it’s a partial and poor solution.
                    • 21946
                    • 283 Posts
                    I truly love modx revolution power and flexibily, and clever templating system.

                    However, once the site is online, an operation like push changes from my localhost to production site is just what i have to do, like everybody else, when working on websites. It is not something i can avoid...

                    It’s easy when site content (documents for modx) are in database and configuration / templates / script are in files. I just have to upload new files to the production site.
                    But how can i do this if ALL is in database ? I have to write some sql scripts ? Is there components to help me doing that ?

                      [url=http://www.savepoint.fr/index.php?id=38] -petits tuyaux pour les d
                    • @slikts
                      I understand your concern.
                      What you ask for is on the roadmap.
                      If you can provide a good solution sooner, that will not break how things work for now, and contribute it back to the project, i’m sure that the team will gladly welcome your modifications.

                      Put what you want to be file based into actual files and use some code to get it back from there before checking for db entries.
                      I don’t keep my chunks and snippets in the db in the database for the same reason as you don’t want to.

                      Example for chunks in Revo:

                      	 * Creates a temporary modChunk object from a tpl file.
                      	 * @access private
                      	 * @param string $name The name of the chunk to load from file.
                      	 * @return modChunk The newly created modChunk object.
                          private function _getDefaultTplChunk($name) {
                              $chunk = false;
                              $f = $this->config['chunks_path'].strtolower($name).'.html';
                              if (file_exists($f)) {
                                  $o = file_get_contents($f);
                                  $chunk = $this->modx->newObject('modChunk');
                              return $chunk;

                      This code is taken straight from Quip and it was there in early alpha stage.

                      Maybe you can ask for an official API function from the Team. idk...