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    • 21056
    • 327 Posts
    Execution time / number of queries placeholders for any document existed in Evo - is there an equivalent in Revo? Or any other built in benchmarking API calls?
      Author: ManagerManager plugin - customise your ModX manager interface

      Rckt - web development, Sheffield, UK
    • Quote from: ncrossland at Apr 12, 2011, 02:49 PM

      Execution time / number of queries placeholders for any document existed in Evo - is there an equivalent in Revo? Or any other built in benchmarking API calls?
      They are the same, but the number of queries and query time are not accurate in Revo because there is not an easy way to intercept the timing of such queries without adding significant overhead. See the Executioner snippet I created for a sample way to check timing on specific Snippets running on a page...
        • 21056
        • 327 Posts
        Thanks, that great - I’ll take a look!
          Author: ManagerManager plugin - customise your ModX manager interface

          Rckt - web development, Sheffield, UK