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    Hi all,
    There is probably a real easy explanation for this issue but it has me a little stumpted (Still a little bit of a novice with ExtJS.

    I’ve made a plugin that is setup in a template variable. When you go to edit that template variable I am ending up with this (image attached).

    It just looks a little buggy and I’ve had a few people report this to me as an issue (even if it is just visual).

    In my applyIf setup I have this.
    id: ’grid-panel’
    ,url: connectorURL
    ,baseParams: { action: ’my/pth/to/base’, productID: prod }
    ,fields: fieldModel
    ,columns: columnModel
    ,paging: true
    ,remoteSort: true
    ,setStripeRows: true
    ,autoScroll: true
    ,save_action: ’my/path/to/save’
    ,autosave: true

    After initial load and display of the grid it appears as attached. However if I refresh the grid or sort by a column it will automatically expand to fill the width (then it looks quite fine).
    I’m not too fussed about whether it is a hardcoded width for each column that does not autofit at all. Either that or autofit on load is also fine.

    Any thoughts? I’ve tried (as you can see from current grid config above) using ’autoExpandColumn’ however it had no effect.


    • try to put the grid in a form layout:

      	id: 'grid-panel'
      	,url: connectorURL
      	,baseParams: { action: 'my/pth/to/base', productID: prod }
      	,fields: fieldModel
      	,columns: columnModel
      	,paging: true
      	,remoteSort: true
      	,setStripeRows: true
      	,autoScroll: true
      	,save_action: 'my/path/to/save'
      	,autosave: true