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  • Would it be too difficult to offer a selection of templates with accompanying css documents in the installer, as snippets and chunks are offered now?  

    I thought that one problem would be specifying the document id of the css document in the template, but maybe we could make a rule that the default template’s css document is always the first document installed, thus it would always be [~1~] in the default installed template?  

    Images would be another issue...what if all the offered templates were done with simple colored backgrounds and the user would later upload images via the image manager associated with the document editor page?

    Then there would be the issue of associated chunks and snippets.  There would have to be some kind of linkage between the template(s) selected and any required chunks and snippets.
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      The Visual Installer for TP4 will handle all of the above smiley
        The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom:
        MODx Co-Founder - Create and do more with less.
      • That will make my partner very happy; he wants to be able to quickly install different simple websites himself; I’ve been busy making a selection of custom installations for him, but this would be soooo much better!
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