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    • 26435
    • 1,193 Posts
    I have been off running amok, starting a family (two mini-me’s now), learning learning learning, sharpening my Linux sys admin skills, and cracking out a few Rails projects and a few Django projects. I have been playing with Revo for the last few days and am hoping I can get up to speed and resume actively contributing to this phenomenal project again in any way I can.

    There really is nothing like wandering around and experimenting with other frameworks and strategies to make you appreciate the masterful team and outstanding community one finds with MODx.

    Keep up the great work brothers and sisters, friends, MODx-en, countrymen. I hope to see/hear more of you in the future.

    Your friend,
    Scotty Delicious
      Husband, Father, Brother, Son, Programmer, Atheist, Nurse, Friend, Lover, Fighter.
      All of the above... in no specific order.

      I send pointless little messages
      • 3749
      • 24,544 Posts
      It’s good to see you posting again.

      Let me be the first to welcome you back into the fold. grin grin grin
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