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    Hi there,

    We have just finished a Dutch MODx website which is WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) 1.0 AA valid, and which also meets the Dutch Web Guidelines (Webrichtlijnen).

    The website itself stimulates the Dutch government and businesses to build accessible websites which are WCAG and Dutch Web Guidelines valid. In The Netherlands government websites must be WCAG 1.0 AA and Dutch Web Guidelines valid, but unfortunately only a handful of websites comply at this time.

    You can take a look at the new website here: http://www.drempelvrij.nl

    Building a WCAG valid site wasn’t that hard. If you write semantic code, follow web standards, use ALT-attributes, and keep the color contrasts in mind, you are half way there. The only thing that consumes more time, is the content. Every abbreviation needs to have a <abbr>-tag, and language switches have to be made.

    We have used MODx 2.0.6-pl2. Credits for MODx are placed in the colophon smiley (http://www.drempelvrij.nl/colofon)

    If you want more info about building accessible websites, don’t hesitate to contact us smiley
