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  • I’ve upgraded the first site I used Etomite 0.6 with the new modx mods to MODx 0.9 over the weekend. In fact, this site was the reason I went with Etomite in the first place. Sure glad I did!


    It took some doing, because I had hacked core scripts for certain apps and the multiuser capability that now are using TVs and plugins instead. Love the API! So much cleaner! Converted them over to DropMenu too, even though they only have one level under the language folders.

    Switched them over to the new NewsListing; had been using two customised snippets. Added an argument to show/not show archive listing so they could have a "teaser" on the front page. They still have a custom snippet for the random client quote; I wonder how hard it would be to add a random, single-item display functionality to NewsListing - &singleRandom.

    And spent some time in IE tweaking the CSS to look mostly decent in IE; still a few oddities to try to figure out. Windows is so ugly after using a Mac for a couple of years! Reminds me of back before some of you were born and the Sega Genesis game system first came out. The graphics were fantastic; it made the Nintendo’s graphics look blocky and childish. I used to play navigator when my youngest son played Sewer Shark. Too fast for me!

    I’m seriously looking at the code in the DocMan php files (these are the people I actually developed it for), updating them to use the new DBAPI, and considering making the backend a module instead of it all being webusers and specific webgroups.
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