anticipated start time - next couple of weeks
anticipated job duration - unsure
budget constraints - negotiable
payment terms - negotiable
I set up and launched my first MODX site just over a year ago, I am a web designer by trade with a basic dev knowledge.
I managed to set up the site with all the features I needed and with help from the forums
(its probably not the cleanest set up and lots I would do differently if I was to start from scratch now)
However I now want to develop the site further and think it might be better to out source the work to someone with more skills/experience in MODX, I could probably do
most myself but dont have the time I used to have to experiment etc.
The site has many plugins, WebLoginPE, Jot, AnythingRating, TXNewsletters and a few other popular MODx Plugins.
Although WebLoginPE is installed and works, people can sign up and login.. I wasnt that sure what I was doing when I set it up and not really sure how it works and how I can modify it.
I want to either create custom or build upon web login PE to allow users to sign up and create profiles and be able to communicate with each other, (the full socail features, walls, updates etc. would be good, but willing to discuss exaclty what is needed, could be more basic for now, main aim at the minute is to integrate user profiles of site, with forum profiles).
I also want to add a forum to the site, I am aware N!CE is about to release a plugin to connect MODx and phpBB, but this is for Evo and I am on Revo, I could downgrade and try it myself, but if someone could do it as is and tie in logins/user profiles thats what I am looking for.
We use Anything Rating on the site, but want to implement a much better rating system, possible where a user must be logged in to leave a rating. Or maybe you must be logged in leave a review/rating as one and the the rating score is calculted from these, we get a lot of people click happy/clearing cookies and clicking a rating in to boost them up..
The overall aim is to enhance the socail element, at present there is no reason for a user to register.. once the log in the have a poor profile and have no extra benefits..
We also want to introduce an ’affiliate store’ to the site, again I could probably cobble something together, but if someone has experience in this I would like their help. I presume it works on rss, the affiliate programs provide feeds, but I want to be able to do advanced category filtering between products from various affilaite programs.
These jobs could be split up, i.e. social/user profiles and forum integration one part and the affiliate store another.
As I say I have good html, css and design skills, so most work will be dev work getting functionallity working, rather than making it look pretty.
There is potential for future work if all goes well, lots of ideas.. just need to get them into place
Drop me a line if you are intersted or require more information.