I am attempting to understand MODx ACLs from the ground up. I have started this thread to try and create a map for users (such as myself) to get things up and running and attempt to possibly point out some inconsistencies in documentation. I would like to point out again this is not meant as any offence at all to any person, and/or documentation, official or otherwise - I love all you guys
This is post one, point one...
I like many others have been reading through bobsguide to permissions, link in Referenced URLs.
Access Control Lists
Note: Before messing with Permissions, check the setting of the allow_root System Setting in System | System Settings. It determines whether users can create Documents in the site root and it overrides any other security settings. You can spend a lot of time trying to figure out why your users can’t create documents if allow_root is set to "No."
Does not exist...
Seems to have taken its place, however... according to the documentation (link in Ref’d URLs) it has been deprecated and now is covered by
I shall edit this post when I have uncovered what exactly "new_document_in_root" is, how to access it etc (via, Administrator Policy)...
Security->Access Controls->AdministratorTemplate
I’m doing this in baby steps, please bear with me.
Reference URLs;,64266.0.html