Instead of putting everything in one place where people can find what they need easily, creating another space for 2.1 is only going to confuse end users more, and there’ll be duplicate information all over the place.
Wouldn’t it be better for a release like this to just go through the Revolution docs and highlight things depreciated in Revolution 2.1 and keeping that one space updated to the latest specs until the basics drastically change?
I’ve never been a fan of the way Confluence is set up, but it’s manageable until you start creating spaces for everything in there.. Ideally (well, imo anyway) there should be one for Evo (096 should just be depreciated imo), one for MODX Revolution and one for Evolution addons and one for Revolution addons.
Imo xPDO (although developed by the core team/Jason) should have its own wiki on the website, and the MODX Revolution space should have a section dedicated to the basic xPDO methods that can be used with a link to the xPDO docs where it is out of scope to discuss.
- the DEV space has only a few pages and one of them still speaks about SVN which could do with an update. Or rather just delete that space, and add those to Revolution or Evolution depending on the page.
- The examples space is for MODX Revolution examples... so add it to the MODX Revolution space to keep it all in one place. I wouldn’t know how to find it unless I’d know it was there.
- The extension space only has a doc about Template Package which has been depreciated in favour of PackMan which is documented on the Addons space.. any reason to distinguish between extensions and addons? They both extend the core in one way or another. I’d vote to remove the extension space.
The Old Revo docs space gives a 302 response to which then seems to want to redirect somewhere. The old Revo docs still frequently show up on Google cause it’s not simply sending out a 301 to revolution20. If it was my call I’d put a .htaccess in place to simply redirect everything targeted at /display/revolution/* to the newer docs and delete the entire space.
That’d bring down the number of spaces to only a few and make it much more manageable and easy to use..