Hi I’m having trouble reading the doc because I’m not getting the graphics - as per this example from
Document Groups
Next, consider how the documents in your site will be grouped.
Corporate - pages referring to the company in general, such as the About Us pages and the Home page.
Product - pages dealing with individual products.
Support - pages that contain FAQ lists or company contact information.
Unable to render embedded object: File (access2.jpg) not found.
User Groups
Then you begin to organize the User groups your content editor users will belong to.
Marketing - will handle Corporate pages; anything that will effect the public's perception of the company and its products.
Products - will work with the pages relevant to the company's products.
Support - will take care of the support pages.
Proofreaders - will have access to all documents (but is limited in what he can do with them by the permissions granted by his Role).
Unable to render embedded object: File (access1.jpg) not found.
Here is how the user groups and documents groups will interact.
Unable to render embedded object: File (usermap.png) not found.
Tried in Safari and Firefox. Doesn’t apply to all images - but many...
On this page, for example
I have two broken image links at the top and the rest I can see.
Any suggestions?