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    • 6004
    • 28 Posts
    I am very interested in using modx to redevelop our corporate website, but I see that by default it only supports the MySQL DB.

    Has anyone developed a version to support MSSQL or when can I expect a release to support multiple DBs?


    Marty Martin
      • 25663 MODX Staff
      • 12,272 Posts
      Multipe DB support will come with our 1.0 release. However, I don’t think MSSQL is planned for one of the three database options available at release unfortunately.
        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
        • 6004
        • 28 Posts
        Bummer. I understand this is an open source project and you want to accomodate the more popular ’open’ DBs, but I think you would garner more corporate use if you would include MSSQL.

        I definitely prefer the MySQL DB, but unfortunately our IT department doesn’t! wink

        Thanks for such a quick response!
          • 25663 MODX Staff
          • 12,272 Posts
          In due course we’ll tackle it I assure you as it’s a great DB platform indeed.
            Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
            Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
            • 22303 MODX Staff
            • 10,725 Posts
            Quote from: croakingtoad at Apr 18, 2006, 07:27 PM

            Bummer. I understand this is an open source project and you want to accomodate the more popular ’open’ DBs, but I think you would garner more corporate use if you would include MSSQL.

            I definitely prefer the MySQL DB, but unfortunately our IT department doesn’t! wink

            Thanks for such a quick response!

            Actually, MSSQL support via PHP’s newly adopted standard db layer, PDO, will be easily attainable when using PHP 5.1+ once we release version 1.0. Even for users not using native PDO support (i.e. prior to PHP 5.1+), 1.0 will feature a partial PHP 4 compatible PDO implementation to emulate native PDO calls, and providing MSSQL support for those users would be as simple as implementing a PDO driver implementation for MSSQL, along with MSSQL specific implementations of the core MODx classes, optimized for MSSQL. Currently, I have partial PDO implementations compatible with PHP 4 for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.

            For more information on PDO, check out http://php.net/pdo

            I will have much more information on this soon, as I complete the initial release of an ultra-light ORM layer built on PDO, which will drive the new core of MODx 1.0.
              • 6004
              • 28 Posts
              Very cool indeed, when is version 1.0 expected to be released?
                • 22303 MODX Staff
                • 10,725 Posts
                Quote from: croakingtoad at Apr 18, 2006, 08:07 PM

                Very cool indeed, when is version 1.0 expected to be released?
                Being actively developed, but will go through a rigorous pre-release / early access phase before being made public. Most likely talking 2 to 4 months optimistically, and 3 to 6 pessimistically, and that’s certainly nothing official; just the best estimate I can give at this stage.
                  • 6004
                  • 28 Posts
                  Quote from: OpenGeek at Apr 18, 2006, 08:05 PM

                  Actually, MSSQL support via PHP’s newly adopted standard db layer, PDO, will be easily attainable when using PHP 5.1+ once we release version 1.0. Even for users not using native PDO support (i.e. prior to PHP 5.1+), 1.0 will feature a partial PHP 4 compatible PDO implementation to emulate native PDO calls, and providing MSSQL support for those users would be as simple as implementing a PDO driver implementation for MSSQL, along with MSSQL specific implementations of the core MODx classes, optimized for MSSQL. Currently, I have partial PDO implementations compatible with PHP 4 for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.

                  For more information on PDO, check out http://php.net/pdo

                  I will have much more information on this soon, as I complete the initial release of an ultra-light ORM layer built on PDO, which will drive the new core of MODx 1.0.

                  I was just browsing around and ran into this...not sure if this is the sort of thing you-all had in mind but thought I’d throw it out there ..


                    • 22303 MODX Staff
                    • 10,725 Posts
                    Quote from: croakingtoad at Apr 19, 2006, 05:46 PM

                    I was just browsing around and ran into this...not sure if this is the sort of thing you-all had in mind but thought I’d throw it out there ..



                    Thanks for the reference croakingtoad, but let me explain a little more about what I’ve decided to undertake and why.

                    For the last several months, I’ve been exploring the multitude of database abstraction layers and object-relational mapping/management frameworks available in the PHP world, as well as comparing them with similar offerings in other paradigms (e.g. Ruby on Rails’ ActiveRecord, J2EE solutions, etc.). As a result of the evaluations and prototypes I’ve completed in this time, I decided to write my own object-relational layer based on PDO for a multitude of reasons which I will be publishing very soon in my blog here on the MODx web site. I’m about 80% complete with an initial implementation of this, which I will most likely release as a separate library project under LGPL license later this month or early next month.

                    This library, if accepted by the team, would then be used to power the new MODx 1.0 core framework and API, which is also being authored at this time, and is about 60% implemented pending completion of the aforementioned db layer.

                    I will be explaining why I rejected ADODB and a multitude of other solutions in favor of this approach, in my upcoming blog post and library project announcement.
                      • 6004
                      • 28 Posts
                      Any update on this?

                      I’ve been messing around with TYPO3 and I don’t like it at all...I’d love to be able to move forward with MODx.
