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    • 4273
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    I think there needs to be more How-To instructions with snippets, some are quite vague

    the exact way to write out the tag to call it, what the snippet is suppose to do, how it does it and any other important info to get it working

    or perhaps a balance between Modx documentation and the snippet instructions themselves but since the Snippet is what we are using its best to outline it there especially for the newbies
      SMF Bookmark Mod - check it out
      • 25663 MODX Staff
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      Again, this will all come in due time and newbie-level documentation is on our future to do list. For now, we need to focus resources on development.
        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
        • 28373
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        Quote from: bugsmi0 at Mar 24, 2006, 04:17 PM

        I think there needs to be more How-To instructions with snippets, some are quite vague

        the exact way to write out the tag to call it, what the snippet is suppose to do, how it does it and any other important info to get it working

        or perhaps a balance between Modx documentation and the snippet instructions themselves but since the Snippet is what we are using its best to outline it there especially for the newbies

        We’ve started modXhost.com - a simple talk and pictorialized tutorial on building a site from the ground up using modxcms. Snippets will be covered smiley

          • 4273
          • 356 Posts

          We’ve started modXhost.com - a simple talk and pictorialized tutorial on building a site from the ground up using modxcms. Snippets will be covered smiley

          I thought about doing something like that as well and checked out your site, you are taking so long can you speed it up a little ? he he just kidding grin I manged to get some things working through trial and error
            SMF Bookmark Mod - check it out
            • 28373
            • 204 Posts
            Quote from: bugsmi0 at Mar 25, 2006, 12:04 AM

            We’ve started modXhost.com - a simple talk and pictorialized tutorial on building a site from the ground up using modxcms. Snippets will be covered smiley

            I thought about doing something like that as well and checked out your site, you are taking so long can you speed it up a little ? he he just kidding grin I manged to get some things working through trial and error


            yeah, we have client’s to look after but trying to put about an hour a day into it (because I made a promise to contribute this after complaining about the vague tutorials here and then getting a better idea of how busy these people are developing this great system)

            It’s definately for the inquisitive minded types and trial and error can be a bit of a fun adventure depending on how you look at it smiley

            For sure if you’ve got the time then the world can’t have enough beginners guides to modx smiley

              • 4273
              • 356 Posts
              just updated my sig and avatar personal text "it says it all" now all we need is the MODX BIBLE and hold CMS mass every sunday grin
                SMF Bookmark Mod - check it out
                • 18397
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                An illustrative tutorial about the creation of http://www.modxhost.com/ using modX from scratch.

                Great work! Maybe we should put something like this in the documentation section Susan?
                  • 28373
                  • 204 Posts
                  Quote from: Mark at Mar 26, 2006, 04:30 AM

                  An illustrative tutorial about the creation of http://www.modxhost.com/ using modX from scratch.

                  Great work! Maybe we should put something like this in the documentation section Susan?

                  Thanks Mark! A humble contribution at the moment, another 2 weeks it’ll be more interesting we only have an hour or so a day to throw in but at least it’s something - our designers making a new skin for it at the moment, I’m looking forward to writing that part of the tutorial and doing the make-over . . . then making all the instruments on the dash board light up - or so to speak smiley
                    • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
                    • 24,524 Posts
                    There are several sites being developed that contain tutorials and blog entries and articles on installing and using MODx. There is no way the Documentation can emulate or incorporate all of them, and there will be many more as time passes.

                    I also don’t want to get involved in any kind of "approved tutorial site" issues. Perhaps the best idea would be to have a topic in the forums, similar to the Site Showcase topic, where people can publish their MODx tutorial and blog sites, with a "sticky" post at the top explaining that these are private, individual sites and not official MODx sponsored sites; i.e. use at your own risk. But Zi or one of the other forum moderators would best know if this is a good idea, and how to implement it.
                      Studying MODX in the desert - http://sottwell.com
                      Tips and Tricks from the MODX Forums and Slack Channels - http://modxcookbook.com
                      Join the Slack Community - http://modx.org
                      • 28373
                      • 204 Posts
                      Quote from: sottwell at Mar 26, 2006, 05:48 AM

                      i.e. use at your own risk.

                      risk ?