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    • 25663 MODX Staff
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    I think that’d be very valuable. pdv. laugh
      Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
      Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
      • 18126
      • 87 Posts
      I also would like to see something for MODx newbies who already are PHP developers. To help building on your existing knowledge, or something like that. smiley

      How do the more complicated stuff work, how to code your own snippets, what is the data flow between MODx and the snippet...
        • 18397
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        "MODx For Dummies" Two big thumbs up!
          • 22303 MODX Staff
          • 10,725 Posts
          Quote from: mandrl at Mar 17, 2006, 03:56 PM

          I also would like to see something for MODx newbies who already are PHP developers. To help building on your existing knowledge, or something like that. smiley

          How do the more complicated stuff work, how to code your own snippets, what is the data flow between MODx and the snippet...
          This is definitely something I want to see done as well, but not until we properly organize and refactor the API a little; currently, I think the component developer API’s are way too scattered and inconsistent. This causes a lot of code redundancy, making the core, and components themselves, harder to develop and maintain through upgrades.

          I am doing everything I can to address precisely this issue, in preparation for a 1.0 release. I think a parallel effort to document the new API and provide a MODx Developer Guide for Newbies would be a wonderful thing. I will also be developing a how-to guide for developers to migrate components to use the new API so they can take advantage of all the new features it will be providing. More on this as implementation milestones are met and I have a chance to refactor the roadmap in the tracker to reflect what is already in motion.