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    • 14154
    • 5 Posts
    Hello, all!

    I know that much is in development-flux right now, but I was wondering if there were any documents that described MODx from a high-level, like overall program flow, communications linkage, and of course, database schemas.

    From the default database build, I see indication of an event-driven framework, and your description of @bindings clearly shows you have a firm handle on data abstraction - all part of the overall architecture that I do not see documentation on. If it already exists and I have just overlooked it, my apologies, and would you please direct me.

    While the detail you provide in your online Documentation section is excellent, as is your Getting started with MODx TP3, these provide details as to the various pieces that comprise MODx’s operation, and how to deal with them in the admin interface. I would be interested at this point for a "Big Picture" - a view of the overall MODx architecture as seen from 30,000 feet, as it were.

    I think high-level architectural diagrams/documentation like this would assist the community gathering around you to get their arms around where MODx is headed, and how best to design their sites with that clearly in mind.

    Looking up from the ground and marveling at the trees in a rain forest is great, but satellite images of that same forest have their place, as well.

    Thanks much for your time.

    • Thanks for your feedback Jim. Much appreciated!

      With the upcoming changes in TP4, the architecture is going to simultaneously be simplified AND become more robust. We’ll be holding off on doing any documentation work until that time. Please hold us to that as the documentation part always seems the most difficult!
        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
        • 15132
        • 2 Posts
        Is this still an open issue for follow-up? I was looking for some of this same type of high-level, architectural overview documentation. Ryan, when you said it was a "future" task, was that post 0.9.5 or more like waiting for a 1.0?

        Thanks in advance for any update.
          • 32443
          • 37 Posts
          i think what that are trying to get at is that they are making major structural changes to modx and they don’t want to get deep into the documentation now because it might be rendered useless in the near future
            call it ModSeX o yeah smiley

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            • 6726
            • 7,075 Posts
            Documentation has made great progress with the wiki, but yes high-level, architectural overview documentation would not make too much sense right now, since it’s work in progress (though well advanced progress grin ).

            If you want to grasp the power of the next-gen architecture, I recommend you browse the xPDO website. Since MODx will be built upon this object-relational bridge (Note that xPDO has been created by Jason Coward a.k.a OpenGeek, by the way, for MODx 1.0) it should help you understand where MODx is going smiley
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