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  • is an important release which contains some measures to prevent possible XSS exploits that have been back-ported from the pending 095 release. This should be considered a mandatory and immediate upgrade. Existing installs can use the patch distribution if you’re running Earlier installs should use the full upgrade as outlined on the download page.

      Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
      Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me

      If you are using Wayfinder with MODx and you are upgrading or patching to, Wayfinder 1.0 WILL BREAK YOUR SITE following the upgrade! You can fix this until a new release of Wayfinder is available that addresses the problem by replacing line 77 of the Wayfinder 1.0 snippet:
              if (substr($this->modxVersion['code_name'],-4) >= 1392) {

      with these two lines:
              $revision= substr($this->modxVersion['code_name'],-4);
              if ($revision >= 1392 && $revision != 1923) {

      If you make this change to Wayfinder before upgrading or applying the patch, everything should go smoothly.

      This discussion is closed to further replies. Keep calm and carry on.