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  • Revolution 2.1.2 Updated and Optimized

    In this update several interface and performance issues have been resolved. Since the release of MODX Revolution 2.1.1 we have been making refinements and improving Revolution based on your feedback and issues we found. You may notice several usability improvements to the Manager and better performance on Microsoft SQL Server installs.

    Here are some highlights of the changes to MODX Revolution 2.1.2:

    • Corrected caching issues with non-cacheable MODX tags in Resources
    • File browser to thumbnail path issue resolved
    • Corrected scrolling issues with custom manager pages not using ExtJS
    • Optimizations and improvements added for MODX on Microsoft SQL Server
    • Usability improvements in manager interface

    For more information about the MODX Revolution 2.1 release, please review the original Announcement.

    Download Revolution 2.1.2
    Read the Revolution 2.1 Documentation
    Read the Installation Guide
    Upgrade Guide
    Check the Installation Requirements

    We’re always improving and we need your help. Please report any and all issues and bugs. Make sure you read the documentation, post feedback and successes in the MODX Community forums.

    The MODX Team

    Changelog/Release Notes:
    MODX Revolution 2.1.2-pl (July 6, 2011)
    - Fix issue with modUser::getSettings pulling a deprecated alias
    - Update to xPDO v2.1.5-pl
    - Implement DocBlox for documentation generation
    - [#5168] Fix element and tv permission queries for SQL Server
    - [#5146] Fix issue with Firefox and button widths
    - [#5164] Fix possible issue if a TV is stranded to a non-existent category
    - Update ExtJS to 3.4.0
    - Set a default session_gc_maxlifetime to avoid frequent logout issues
    - Refresh modExt trees when drag operations fail
    - [#4918] Limit save permission check to modified nodes in resource/sort processor
    - [#5065] Fix 404 error with cross-context symlinks when cacheable
    - [#5152] Fix nested non-cacheable tags from being cached in modResource->_content
    - [#5145] Update config check on dashboard to show correct core path if core is moved
    - [#5112] Add Settings for adjusting behavior of Context sorting in Resources tree
    - [#4341] Properly clarify text and function on Resource Tree context menu options for view/preview
    - [#5046] Fix issue where parent could not be changed for new resources via Form Customization
    - [#5112] Sort contexts by name ascending in the Resources tree
    - [#5102] Fix error removing older transport package versions
    - [#4940] Fix issue where CMPs that did not use ExtJS could not scroll
    - [#5097] Ensure browser toolbar button does not show when MODx.Browser is already open
    - [#4953] Improve modx.console.js to avoid message loss
    - [#4836] Make sure modFileRegister sorts messages before reading
    - [#5087] Fix issue where class_key was not respected when using Add Another in UI
    - [#3464] Set xPDOTransport::ACTION_UPGRADE for already installed packages
    - [#4955] Package management actions refresh packages cache partition
    - [#5071] (SqlSrv) fix/refactor Plugin Events getList processor
    - [#2870] Change internalKey default value to NULL
    - [#5072] Add missing primary key index to modEvent
    - [#5005] Fix incorrect label on introtext field in weblink panel
    - Remove session_cookie_lifetime variable when logging out of context
    - Remove legacy SESSION variables and dependencies
    - [#4703] Remove user settings when logging out of a Context
    - [#2566] Improve tv output render url to take resource pagetitle when using resourcelist TV type
    - [#5020] Improve per page field on grids to handle ENTER key
    - [#5021] Improve modUser::joinGroup to check to see if user is already in group
    - [#5025] Fix issue where duplicate resource window did not show duplicate children option
    - [#5007] Only create Lexicon Entries for Settings if they are specified
    - [#5006] Fix issue with updating a policy template with no permissions
    - [#5001] Fix issue with modauth, wctx and RTE browser
      Author of zero books. Formerly of many strange things. Pairs well with meats. Conversations are magical experiences. He's dangerous around code but a markup magician. BlogTwitterLinkedInGitHub