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    I don’t know if it could be possible to include the Internet Explorer compliance script to the MODx distribution. Because most of the website made with MODx are using strong new web standards, I could let IE6 users see the things as everybody see it without having to tweak our CSS code just for them... As I read on A List Apart, we should not have to worry for non compliant browser such as IE because they should follow the standards instead of delaying the web evolution.

    Also, maybe a new plugin or module could be added so there would be a kind of header editor for the templates. I mean : You just have a list of checkboxes on the template design page where you choose wich included javascript you want to use (rico, scriptaculous, IE7, etc.) and the parsing engine could add it by itself so you don’t have to worry about finding the good path, etc.

    The URL for IE7 is : http://dean.edwards.name/IE7/

    I think this one at least, would be a good addition!


      Blaise Bernier

      www.medialdesign.com - Solutions for small business, hosting, design and more!
    • IE7 is really cool, but I’ve always found it to cause a few other problems when working with it.
        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
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        I agree with Ryan, IE7 is really cool, but one of the annoying problems I have encountered with it is the page first loads as it would without IE7 and then you can literrally "see" IE7 fixing layout problems (it’s like the screen "jumps").

        That said, IE7 is pretty easy to add to any website, CMS powered or not. Just upload the files, add the code to your templates header and you’re done. I know it’s not easy, but you CAN do standard compliant designs that render just as good in IE : agreed it takes some experience, you have to work for it, and you have to sacrifice some nice CSS effects but as long as it degrades gracefully, no big deal here.

        It’s a nice idea, but it’s so easy installing IE7 that I don’t think integration or writing a snippet/plugin is worth the effort...
          .: COO - Commerce Guys - Community Driven Innovation :.

          MODx est l'outil id
          • 11413
          • 203 Posts
          Ok... The inclusion of IE7 at least is conditionnal to IE, it means that no other browser (like firefox) will ave the script loaded. Personnally, I don’t use IE7 to make my website work the same way : I just use it so it makes it possible for IE users to read the content and for the rest, FireFox is recommended smiley
            Blaise Bernier

            www.medialdesign.com - Solutions for small business, hosting, design and more!
          • Quote from: davidm at Dec 05, 2005, 10:05 AM

            I agree with Ryan, IE7 is really cool, but one of the annoying problems I have encountered with it is the page first loads as it would without IE7 and then you can literrally "see" IE7 fixing layout problems (it’s like the screen "jumps").

            Is this perhaps related in some way to the dreaded "FOUC" problem?

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              No it’s not a Flash Of Unstyled Content problem, the page loads alright just as it would have with IE, but then the script loads and correct whatever IE can’t understand (position:fixed elements, floats with width attributes... etc)
                .: COO - Commerce Guys - Community Driven Innovation :.

                MODx est l'outil id
              • What if you put the IE 7 conditionals before the other stylesheet links? (I only have Windows 98, so can’t have IE7 to play with)
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