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    • 7455
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    I was wondering is it not posible to make somthing like a form generator that generates a snippet for modX/eto that generates a working mail-form

    somthing like this:

    or a snippet that includes a form chunk?
    so that the form is easy editable I personaly do not realy need validation on the field exept for the email adres field, so if there would be like a set of standard fiels that does validate but also an option to add more fields that need no validation. that data could jou be sent directly into the mailparser witout validation.

    Somtimes I need forms that are made of 80 fields (like inquiryform for parts) if we would have a snipped that can take any html form and prosses it raw that would be an great snippet but I do not know if this is possible.

    As many of us we make a lot of sites with EtoX and almost all the time it needs to be customised that takes a lot of work to do, so I hope that I am not the only one with this problem so that we could start somthing like this.

    Greets Dimmy
      follow me on twitter: @dimmy01
    • Hey Dimmy, glad to see you here! laugh

      I can't recall exactly who, (think it is infoclipper or opengeek) has exactly what you're looking for and it should percolate it's way into the installer as an installable snippet/chunk/plugin/module/whatever-form-it-takes.

      Lots of good progress going on and incredible ideas at work! smiley
        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
      • Hey Dimmy, glad to see you here! laugh

        I can't recall exactly who, (think it is infoclipper or opengeek) has exactly what you're looking for and it should percolate it's way into the installer as an installable snippet/chunk/plugin/module/whatever-form-it-takes.

        Lots of good progress going on and incredible ideas at work! smiley

        It is OpenGeek --> I created the snippet MailForm which is still available for download from the http://etomite.org/snippetlibrary.html under Feedback / Email Forms.
          • 7455
          • 2,204 Posts
          MM i did take a lool at it but looks complicated using like 4 chuks/snippets?

          and i took a look at the form is not pure html is it looks like a lot of exta php scripting.

          what if I made a form in golive and just make the action be a snipped or somthing to post the data from this form?

          I need top make an inquiry form with 80 fields that easy to make in golive or any other wysiwyg editor that handles forms but the sending part is hard to do right in eto. maybe I am a fool not understanding sorry mabe the snippet/chuck set is exactly what I need to acomplish this, but I do not see it now.
          I wil take a look again when my head is cleared up hehe thanks for the support so far.

          greets Dim
            follow me on twitter: @dimmy01
            • 24981
            • 109 Posts
            Hi OpenGeek,

            Shinji and I want to make a formbuilder with a GUI - so that end-users can build forms without having to do any script configuration.
            ie. Click on "Add field" button > Select field type (dropdown) etc

            What are the next steps for us? Shinji hasn't participated in OS dev before smiley
            Can we get access to the CVS?

            Any useful GPL code you can point us to...


            • Hey ricardosanX,

              We don't quite have our version control stuff figured out yet, but we hope to soon. Love to see an example of what you're talking about... sounds great!

                Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
                Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
                • 7455
                • 2,204 Posts
                This would be tha bomb
                Hope to see some results soon.
                  follow me on twitter: @dimmy01
                  • 16610
                  • 634 Posts
                  Something like this maybe, but better? http://jdstiles.com/java/formmaker.html
                    Mikko Lammi, Owner at Maagit
                    • 34162
                    • 1 Posts
                    Indeed like this but than not limited to x fields
                      • 24981
                      • 109 Posts
                      Hi All,

                      I've been putting together a spec for the form builder we are planning to build for modx.

                      If you are interested in a GUI form builder - please let me have your comments. Apologies for the file size at 1mb - full of screenshots.


                      I haven't dealt with how it will integrate with the modx code yet, as we are eagerly awaiting the next release.

                      Ryan, if you get a chance can you let me know how you think this could fit in with the rest of the project, as we will need to build MySQL tables?
