I first have to say this is one of the best if not the best CMS I've ever used, especially for the Township site that I'm now in charge of. However there is one thing that is missing, well it's not missing completely. But a real calendar, that can handle events and doesn't just point to blog entries. Something that multiple users can add stuff to and it shows up as mini calendar that leads to a full sized calendar viewable in days, weeks, months or years... this is the one item I absolutely must have, fortunately I think I can get one of the many open sourced ones working with the wrapper snippet. but that requires either tons of hacks or having several sets of passwords.
Also a built in image gallery would be super nice.
But still Keep up the Damn good work. I'll let you know if sucessfully am able to get anything really good working right... I woulder rather bend a calendar to the will of ModX than choose a new CMS. :twisted:
I have to say that, this is probably one of the nicer communities I have worked with. And that I see the point of not ever putting it in the core that does make complete sense, I guess what I really want is just a nice module that integrates in well, I was reading up on the Digital Assest Manegment stuff mentioned in another post, I think that is an awesome direction to go in. And after reading through the thread that would definitely help in implementing the type of calendar with the type of control I would like. Thanks for your well thought out response, it's far better than the "it just ain't goin' happen" one liners you see too often.
I there some good document on the api's for modx, I have to admit I come straight over from etomite and just started playing with modx not to long ago, what I've seen I do lilke, but the etomite documentation was kind poor, but then again in all fairness it's been a while since I've been through there documents.
Thanks Again!
Hello all,
I am fairly new to modx and am loking for a calendar that would let registered users book times on it for themselves.
Is there such thing exist?