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    • 34365
    • 8 Posts
    Installed MODX revo 2.1.1 on Win XP XAMPP. Every attempt to load extra via package manager resulted in above-mentioned error. Upgraded my Xampp version to php5.3.5, mysqlnd 5.0.7, pdo seems to be there (at least phpinfo mentions a mysql driver), browser is IE8. Anything I could check? [ed. note: ArminB last edited this post 12 years, 7 months ago.]
      • 34365
      • 8 Posts
      [solved] thanks to Bob Ray and his excellent book:
      1) locate and edit ...xampp\php\php.ini
      2) uncomment this line: extension=php_curl.dll by removing the semicolon
      now comes the trick (not in the book:
      3) open control panel - firewall
      4) open the exception tab and add ...xampp\php\ext\php_curl.dll to the programs for firewall exception
      From here on it worked on my box.
        • 34365
        • 8 Posts
        [solved] thanks to Bob Ray and his excellent book:
        1) locate and edit ...xampp\php\php.ini
        2) uncomment this line:hp_curl.dll by removing the semicolon
        now comes the trick (not in the book:
        3) open control panel - firewall
        4) open the exception tab and add ...xampp\php\ext\php_curl.dll to the programs for firewall exception
        From here on it worked on my box
          • 3749
          • 24,544 Posts
          Thanks for the kind words, and the report. I've added it to the book's errata page: http://bobsguides.com/errata-mtog.html.

          PLEASE, PLEASE specify the version of MODX you are using.
          MODX info for everyone: http://bobsguides.com/modx.html
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            Get my Book: MODX:The Official Guide
            MODX info for everyone: http://bobsguides.com/modx.html
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            Bob's Guides is now hosted at A2 MODX Hosting
            • 37012
            • 32 Posts
            I have the similar problem, after getting the site from production to local on Wampserver, the packages list does not load at all.

            Didn't work for me, even if I turned off the firewall.
              • 3749
              • 24,544 Posts
              Is there anything in the MODX Error log?

              What version of MODX?
                Did I help you? Buy me a beer
                Get my Book: MODX:The Official Guide
                MODX info for everyone: http://bobsguides.com/modx.html
                My MODX Extras
                Bob's Guides is now hosted at A2 MODX Hosting
                • 51908
                • 2 Posts
                Hi there, I am experiencing the same problem. Researched a lot but could not find a solution. Please read my post here:
                https://forums.modx.com/thread/99688/package-browser-does-not-work-in-local-xampp-environment#dis-post-539219 [ed. note: jstolba last edited this post 8 years, 11 months ago.]
                  • 52865
                  • 4 Posts
                  Hello, I seem to have a similar problem. Since a few weeks i am not able to install any package on my dev or production env. Also the list of installed packages doesn`t get loaded and when I refresh and at that point my sessions seems to get stuck. Can anyone give me any pointers on where to find this issue and solve it?
                    • 22840
                    • 1,572 Posts
                    To echo what Bob says above:

                    Is there anything in the MODX Error log?

                    What version of MODX?

                    Check the paths are correct in the core/config/config.php
                      • 22840
                      • 1,572 Posts
                      Quote from: BobRay at Oct 31, 2016, 10:15 PM
                      I agree that it's duplicate content, but how would a search engine ever visit the ID-based URL? I can't imagine a real-world situation where this would result in a penalty, but maybe I'm missing something.
                      Have you got the right post Bob ? lol