Installed MODX revo 2.1.1 on Win XP XAMPP. Every attempt to load extra via package manager resulted in above-mentioned error. Upgraded my Xampp version to php5.3.5, mysqlnd 5.0.7, pdo seems to be there (at least phpinfo mentions a mysql driver), browser is IE8. Anything I could check?
[ed. note: ArminB last edited this post 12 years, 7 months ago.]
[solved] thanks to Bob Ray and his excellent book:
1) locate and edit ...xampp\php\php.ini
2) uncomment this line: extension=php_curl.dll by removing the semicolon
now comes the trick (not in the book:
3) open control panel - firewall
4) open the exception tab and add ...xampp\php\ext\php_curl.dll to the programs for firewall exception
From here on it worked on my box.
[solved] thanks to Bob Ray and his excellent book:
1) locate and edit ...xampp\php\php.ini
2) uncomment this line:hp_curl.dll by removing the semicolon
now comes the trick (not in the book:
3) open control panel - firewall
4) open the exception tab and add ...xampp\php\ext\php_curl.dll to the programs for firewall exception
From here on it worked on my box
Thanks for the kind words, and the report. I've added it to the book's errata page:
PLEASE, PLEASE specify the version of MODX you are using.
MODX info for everyone:
I have the similar problem, after getting the site from production to local on Wampserver, the packages list does not load at all.
Didn't work for me, even if I turned off the firewall.
Is there anything in the MODX Error log?
What version of MODX?
Hello, I seem to have a similar problem. Since a few weeks i am not able to install any package on my dev or production env. Also the list of installed packages doesn`t get loaded and when I refresh and at that point my sessions seems to get stuck. Can anyone give me any pointers on where to find this issue and solve it?