Will by in future able to create contexts in contexts and install plugins only for some context?
Think, that this would help everyone who is managing multi-site based on contexts...
-- sorry I posted it to bad forum and I can’t delete it :-/
If they are for events that fire in the front end, you can use the following code to get the context name before executing any code and just return if it’s the wrong context.
$contextName = $modx->context->get('key');
I want to use extras in all my contexts, but dont want to access content from one extra (quip as example) from another context.
Most content-related extras select their content with the ID of a parent resource so any content shown will be from the same context as the parent.
here is no problem with showing output from extras on web, but in manager context, when I am managing two sites, I have installed quip, I will see comments in quip managment from both context-based sites, but I am not able to make admin user, that can see and manage quip comments from only one context. And this problem has more extras, not only quip (that I mentioned only as example)
I think that would take changes in the code of the extras themselves since you’re always in the ’mgr’ context.
This is a really great point however - the vast majority of components / extras are not context aware. Is there a reason for this? Is it particularly difficult to build in?
Quote from: DangerMouse1981 at Apr 19, 2011, 08:06 PM
This is a really great point however - the vast majority of components / extras are not context aware. Is there a reason for this? Is it particularly difficult to build in?
In the front end, it’s often automatic. In the Manager, you’re always in the ’mgr’ context. If there’s a resource involved, you can easily check the context of the resource and act accordingly.
But before alone extras could be context selector, or will just show the extras when the admin has acces to this extra only from one context. Good idea, isn’t it?
I'm also finding it annoying. I have a multi-context setup (multiple domains) and each client has their own login to their context. I know many people out there have the same setup and we're unable to use the components menu for Quip, VisionCart , etc. because all the comments/products/etc. are available to everyone who logs into the manager (their context).