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    • 27002
    • 32 Posts

    All my links are looking at the wrong directory.

    I have built a site on eg: www.testdomain.com/modx/

    My clients IT dept has redirected the the real site domain name to that folder /modx/ on testdomain.com

    Although the homepage appears when you visit www.realsite.com (un styled) reviewing the source reveals that the base url still includes /modx/ part of the the testing server how do I tell modx that all paths are now relative to the root www.livesite.com.

    or is the web host
      • 27002
      • 32 Posts
      to update the situation

      I have been through the guide about moving the site, and have had some success updating the config file and workspaces file in the database.

      But I still can’t get manager access.

      The site is showing some pages but not accessing any tvs or show the content of TV’s - its obviously found the database as there would be no template but no TV’s is stumping me.

      you can see it in action here http://www.mdmassociates.co.uk