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    • 22537
    • 78 Posts
    Thank you very much Susan!

    I began testing this out and right clicked (Files-assets-templates-spirit-)video folder to upload but got an access denied when I tried uploading a flv file. I also tried uploading an mp3 and received the note: Uploaded file is too large - and it gives the bit size of it -. Please ensure your files are less then --- a specific bit size -- bytes.

    It seems I will need to upload through ftp.

    edit: Actually ftp is not helping either. Weird. I was not able to upload with CyberDuck but I am able to upload flv files and mp3 files with Dreamweaver.

    ---- I am wondering if I should do a reinstall of Modx. I did though install a site package when I should not have done so, and it messed things up....

    One more Thing:
    Doing a refresh in Files area for instance creates a reset of the folder one is working with. Refreshing one has to open the tree structure again. What about doing a refresh AND the tree structure opens back up to where one was.
      • 25895
      • 1 Posts

      Thank you for the wonderful theme, it really helped me.
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