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    i’ve hesitated quite long before posting that because i would not like to sound nasty smiley but i can’t help

    please guys, i’m so proud to tell my customers i’ve, at least, found out THE cms that fits my personal fussiness, a clear and simple admin for them, no graphic limitations, incredible flexibility for devs like me who can’t help adding personal features and... valid xhtml output if you give it valid xhtml to eat

    then it would so nice if modx website xhtml itself were valid smiley and, honestly it isn’t just for so simple things to correct, unclosed img tags of "made in modx" vigns on the home page, non "&" uncoded "&" in links url for some pages, please... smiley

    apart from that, for the moment (i’m far to have used all modx features having more coded personal modules, snippets end chunks than used tvs widgets) the only native feature that i’ve tried and doesn’t output valid xhtml is the datagrid widget
    (it outputs
    <tr><thead><td>...... </td></thead></tr>

    instead of
    <thead><tr><td>..... </td></tr></thead>

    ) to bad, it’s a really handy widget but well, it’s not that difficult to replace with personal snippet and chunks

    once more guys, it’s just a please post not a nasty one smiley

    have swing
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