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    • 23299
    • 1,161 Posts
    If a new user comes to these forums and scans the support listings he/she will find that everything is broken down into categories like "Creating and Repurposing Content". Inside these group heads are individual topic areas like ManagerManager, Yams, Quip, etc, etc.

    If you click on any of these topic groups the user will be taken to that forum where all the questions/threads are stored. This is good. But what I think is missing is a description of what each topic/module/snippet is all about. If a user goes to Yams, Quip or ManagerManager there is often little or no indication what these things actually do. Why would you need to use this? Why is this useful? This heading explanation could be brief like "Quip does abc, and is very useful for sites that require defg. You need to set up a hijk to get Quip running..."

      • 22851
      • 805 Posts
      An "About ..." sticky topic would be a good way to achieve that. I have just renamed one of the YAMS sticky topics so that people browsing the forums know where to look for info first.
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        • 23299
        • 1,161 Posts
        I recently had a professional friend try MODx for a startup business site he is working on. One of the things he mentioned was a clear lack of information about what "all do the pieces actually do?"