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    • 23260
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    I led one of our programmers here yesterday to check out MODx and he laughed and couldn’t get past the fact that this site is using a Textpattern template. It’s going to be hard to get anyone else involved if they have the same reaction.

    I read around a bit and see that MODx is getting a new name, Tatoo. Who is responsible for the new logo / template, branding... Can I submit something for review? This seems like a way I could give back.

      • 1764
      • 680 Posts
      Yea, this site is really only temporary. I’ve seem some mockups of the new Tatoo site and it is very cool and completely unique. I don’t think we’ve settled on a logo or anything else yet thougt so I’m we’d all be happy to see any submissions you want to make. But I’m not part of the marketing team so there may be a lot going on that I don’t know about.
        • 25663 MODX Staff
        • 12,272 Posts
        Quote from: philpond at Dec 07, 2005, 07:05 PM

        I led one of our programmers here yesterday to check out MODx and he laughed and couldn’t get past the fact that this site is using a Textpattern template. It’s going to be hard to get anyone else involved if they have the same reaction.
        LOL... Green Marinee is actually originally a Wordpress theme. wink

        I read around a bit and see that MODx is getting a new name, Tatoo. Who is responsible for the new logo / template, branding... Can I submit something for review? This seems like a way I could give back.

        We’ve made considerable headway on this front, but please feel free to PM me with anything! smiley
          Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
          Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
          • 23260
          • 30 Posts
          Okay, cool... It’s great to know that someone is working on it laugh. But the person who is reponsible for the marketting can drop me a line if they need help with anything. I’m a designer (a bit of a CSS guru, if I may be bold tongue) who knows quite a bit of PHP and Flash. I also work in the SEO industry, so I’ve caught quite a bit of that too.


            • 6726
            • 7,075 Posts
            Thanks Phil for bringing this issue up, it would have been a problem if nothing had been in the hopper, but as Ryan said, it is. Now that the users base is widening beyond early adopters and ex-etomite users, we need to manage the image of MODx and one of the things involved is a visual identity.

            On the member list, you can see there are three people officially involved with this area of the project, notice I am the latest addition (registered early november just like you). As for helping with Marketing, we’ll most definitely need all insightful input we can get ! I’ll gladly share ideas with you via IM or email, when I get the chance smiley

              .: COO - Commerce Guys - Community Driven Innovation :.

              MODx est l'outil id
              • 23260
              • 30 Posts
              Okay, sounds cool -- don’t hesitate. My email is phil (dott) pond (at) gmail (dott) com in case you can’t retrieve my hidden one.

              :) Phil